Some More Proverbs or Sayings P3

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800. Blaze A Trail.
801. Bless you! (Always said after someone sneezes, and coughing to me should be more To Your Health to me honestly. Coughing is more seriously than a sneeze honestly.)
802. Blind man's buff.
803. Blind leading the blind.
804. Bling-bling.
805. Blonde bombshell.
806. Blood and Thunder.
807. Blood toil tears and sweat.
808. Blood, sweat, and tears.
809. Bloody-minded.
810. Blot on the landscape.
811. Blow a raspberry.
812. Blow the gaff.
813. Blow your mind.
814. Blow your own trumpet.
815. Blown to smithereens.
816. Blue blood.
817. Blue funk.
818. Blue moon.
819. Blue-plate special.
820. Bob's your uncle.
821. Bode well.
822. Bodice ripper.
823. Body surfing.
824. Bog standard.
825. Bold as Brass.
826. Bolt from the blue!
827. Bone dry.
828. Bone idle.
829. Bone up on.
830. Booby prize.
831. Booby trap.
832. Boogie woogie.
833. Big for Your Boots.
834. Booze cruise.
835. Born again.
836. Born with a silver spoon in one's mouth.
837. Born within the sound of Bow Bells.
838. Boss eyed.
839. Bottle out.
840. Bottom drawer.
841. Bottom-up.
842. Bought the farm.
843. Bowled a maiden over. (Stupid crazy boys out there NEVER TRY THIS AT HOME HONESTLY!)
844: Box and Cox.
845. Box-seat.
846. Boxing day.
847. Brand spanking new.
848. Brass monkey weather.
849. Brass tacks.
850. Bread of life.
851. Break a leg. (saying for theater performance only not a fashion show get out of here Rainbow High filling our heads with the wrong information honestly. There really isn't much of a fancier saying fashion rocks by say you'll own it or you'll slay that runway walk, girls. There whole excuse is totally lame. And I never heard anyone relate Good luck causing back luck to a fashion show gone wrong not even Polly Pocket webisodes. Polly Pocket webisodes so much better than they actual tv shows. I watch it often. No one does that not even in real life, please!
852. Break the ice.
853. Bricks and clicks.
854. Broad in the beam.
855. Broke.
856. Brook no truck with.
857. Brown as a berry.
858. Browned off.
859. Brownie points.
860. Brummagem screwdriver.
861. Brush Off.
862. Bubble and squeak.
863. Buck stops here.
864. Buckle down!
865. Bucket list!
866. Bugger Bognor!
867. Buggins' turn.
868: Bullet Just Grazed It (I made this one up)
869. Bums on the seat.
870. Bun in the oven. (could be literally but also often means a baby's on the way into the hearts of the family physically.)
871. Bunch of Fives.
872. Bunny boiler
873. Bird Boiler (Lion King Twist courtesy of the hyena trio members of #872, guys.)
874. Bury your head in the sand.
875. Butt end of the stick.
876. Busy as a one-armed paperhanger.
877. Butter no parsnips.
878. Butter side down.
879. Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.
880. Butterfingers.
881. By and large. (This makes no sense. Oh, well!)
882. By dint of.
883. By gum. (I hear this one a lot I think it might Australian culture.)
884. By the board.
885. By the book.
886. By the shorthairs.
887. By the skin of your teeth.
888. By your leave. (This is a common British saying usually used as a question from specific servants of host or hostess or honored guests to the house that's hosting.) 
889. Bygones be bygones.
890. Caesar Salad.
891. Call of the wild.
892. Camera cannot lie.
893. Canting Crew.
894. Can't be overestimated!
895. Can't be underestimated!
896. Can't hold a candle to.
897. Canteen culture.
898. Canterbury pace.
899. Carbon-copy.
12 chapters left. Nice and one more chapter of this then we'll stick to revealing more of The Frog Princess book I recently uncovered, Chapters 7, 8, and 9 I'll work on tomorrow. Who knows maybe if my hands aren't too tired. I'll get a double chapter update done. Remember no deadline for my absolutely free no strings attached guessing competition about that white dog in the swamp? What is he? I gave you plenty of hints you'll find odd, he's not what you'll expect to find out honestly. But it is not too wild either, so the guesses shouldn't be too exotic.

Idioms, Expressions, & Empowering QuotesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora