Chapter 5: Cheating or Not: S1

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*??? Pov*

???: hey dad Im back... ???'s Father: Hey, your turning 20 in 2 weeks. ???: i know dad. And I'm a little excited. ???'s Father: and don't forget, I told you that you can start dating when you turn 20. ???: ok dad I get it. ???'s Father: just wanted to make sure my daughter didn't forget. ???: look dad I'll be in my room. Alright. ???'s Father: Alright Absol. Absol: don't call me by my real name dad! Absol's Father: Whatever..


*Espeon Pov*

Espeon: I'm bored...... like if I was with umbreon, things wouldn't be so boring... 'wait I'll just find a way to get his attention, and then maybe he'll like me more than that sylveon' hehehehe~ I gots idea~ he will be mine~

A little later.....

Umbreon: hmmmmmm... I'm bored.... Espeon: Yo umbreon~ Umbreon: 'oh shoot, not her again' *annoyed* Whaaaaat? Espeon: I heard you were bored. Umbreon: Yeah? And? Espeon: so I just thought that we could, you know, hang out? Umbreon: Ok fine, BUT, you can't be kinky or awkward around me, it's because I already have a girlfriend. Espeon: 'yeah that ugly sylveon' Alrighty then! Umbreon: ok so where did you even want to go. Espeon: 'wow I literally just asked him to hang out when don't even know where to go, that's kinda dumb of me' Uhhhhhh, a restaurant??

Silence for 10 seconds...

Umbreon: Sure whatever... Espeon: Nice! 'but if this plan doesn't work a few times, I'll have to assort to kidnapping him, where he'll be with me more often'

At the restaurant...

Umbreon: Um excuse me ma'am? Worker: Yes sir? Umbreon: I would like a table for two please? Worker: Sure, let me go seat you.

After being seated.

Worker: Alright so what do y'all want to drink? Umbreon: I'll have a Sprite. Espeon: I'll have a Root Beer. Worker: alright I'll get those for you right now *leaves*. Espeon: So, uhm What do you want to talk about? Umbreon: nothing. I kinda don't want to talk actually. Espeon: oh ok.. 'dang, I thought that would work.. alright, maybe i'll try making him like me? Oh I know, I'll use one of my moves, Attract! Alright I forgot how to use it Uhhhhhh.... oh here we go!' *uses attract on umbreon* *no effect* Umbreon: Oh, I thought I felt something. Espeon: *has a face of disappointment* 'how did that not work!? You know what, maybe I'll just tell a joke? No I'm bad at jokes.. ummm, maybe taunting him will work?' Hey umbry~ Umbreon: what? Espeon: *makes an adorable face* Umbreon: .....meh...... Espeon: 'bruh.... There is NO way. Maybe I'll try-' *gets interrupted by a phone call in front of her* 'who's calling Umbreon?' Umbreon: Hold on I'm getting a call. *answers* hello? *someone talking on phone* Yeah. *more talking* I'm with Espeon right now sylveon, were hanging out it's because she won't be quiet. Espeon: 'ughh, I hate that sylveon'


*Sylveon pov*

Sylveon: Ok well hurry up, it's because I don't trust you. *someone talking on phone* ok bye. Oh my goodness...


*Espeon Pov*

After many failed attempts, she is on her last try..

Espeon: 'this going to be the last time, I'll try charming him' Hey Umbreon. Umbreon: what. Espeon: ur cute~ :3 Umbreon: 'oh I know what she's doing, she's just trying to make me like her more than sylveon, but it won't work' it's not going to work Espeon, so just give it up already. Espeon: 'welp.............. he's going to get kidnapped by me now, I've tried everything, and they don't seem to work at all, so I guess I'll start kidnapping him then' alright, fine whatever.

After leaving the restaurant....

Umbreon: look, I'm never hanging out with you again, after what happened tonight. Espeon: whatever....

So for a few weeks Espeon has been kidnapping Umbreon and sylveon didn't like that, so she banned Espeon from Umbreon for just a few months.

Sylveon: I'm sorry for what she's been doing to you when she kidnaps you. Umbreon: it's alright, it's not your fault. Sylveon: thanks. Umbreon: alright, Imma go to the living room. Sylveon: okay. Umbreon: *leaves* so what should I do- *gets pounced on by glaceon* OW! Glaceon: Are you okay!? Did she hurt you?! Did she try to kis- Umbreon: I'm Fine! Ok? Glaceon: shoot I'm sorry. Umbreon: look, she tortured me once, she tried to make out with me, And she tried to kiss my neck. But I'm fine. Glaceon: at least your okay... Umbreon: yeah. Now can I please go to the living room and watch TV? Glaceon: sure.

A few days later....

Umbreon: Sylveon! Sylveon: Yeah?! Umbreon: Imma go on a walk okay? Sylveon: Sure but Be Careful! Umbreon: Alright. *walks out*


*Absol pov*

Absol's Father: Hey absol! Absol: Yeah? Absol's Father: go and get someone. I only have like 10 hours left to live. And I just want to see you with someone, It could be anyone! Absol: alright alright chill. I'll find someone.

A few minutes later....

Umbreon: oh man, it is Beautiful today! Absol: *humming* *gasp because she saw umbreon* 'omg he looks CUTE!! I'll go confess!' *runs up to him* Hey! Umbreon: Huh? *sees the absol* *blushes a bit* 'why she look cute?' Yeah? Absol: Uhm, Can we be in a relationship?? Umbreon: uhh sure.


*Flareon pov*

Flareon: I'm bored just walking around outsi- *sees Umbreon and a girl blushing together* *takes picture* Ooooh! I'm telling Sylveon! Umbreon: WAIT NO DO- Flareon: *runs off* This will make her so mad! Umbreon: No! Dang it.... I'm screwed... Absol: uhh who's sylveon? Umbreon: my girlfriend.... UHHH ILL BE BACK! *runs off* Absol: okay?

A few minutes later....

Umbreon: *walks in Sylveon's room afraid* uhhhh hi- Sylveon: The picture umbreon, was it true? Umbreon: yeah but- Sylveon: so you were cheating. Umbreon: No! Look! It's nice to meet someone new right? Sylveon: *sigh* look umbreon, that's why I didn't trust you with other girls, it's because I always felt like something would go wrong. But I'm not going to leave you, but you will have to sleep with me tonight. Umbreon: 'dang I was thinking that I could spend some time with absol'

50 minutes later

Umbreon: knock knock! Absol's Father: Hello? Umbreon: hi I'm absols boyfriend. Absol's Father: Oh! Come in then!

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