Little Blitzø Ch. 6

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Little Blitzø Ch. 6

666 News

"Good Morning, I'm Katie Killjoy." Katie said

"& I'm Tom Trench." Tom said "Today, we have an update on the Mysterious Impling."

"That's right, Tom, the Mysterious Impling has made another appearance, performing at Ozzie's in the Lust Ring." Katie said as they showed a footage of the Mysterious Imp singing & dancing

"That kid is really turning out to be a little big shot." Tom complimented

"I agree, & we have an interview with the ruler of Lust Asmodeus for further details of the Mysterious Impling." Katie said as Asmodeus appeared on the live feed "So, Asmodeus, is it true that the Mysterious Impling came to your restaurant?"

"Yes, he came by to retrieve his necklace." Asmodeus said

"We understand that this boy performed at Ozzie's, is there a reason?" Katie asked

"Well, one of my performers called in sick & he volunteered to perform as a substitute which I accepted." Asmodeus said

"Wait, did you keep things clean for his age?" Tom asked.

"Of course." Asmodeus said

"Oh, thank goodness." Tom said in relief "Now, Ozzie, if you don't mind me asking, do you have any personal information about this Mysterious Impling? Like did he confirm his name to you?"

"...No, I'm afraid not." Asmodeus lied

That confused everyone, why would Asmodeus' counterpart say no, when Little Blitzø did confirm his name to him


"Ozzie, we can't tell the news about Blitzø being the Mysterious Impling." Fizzarolli said

"Why not?" Ozzie asked

"We just can't, If people find out that Blitzø is the Mysterious Impling, who knows what his enemies will do to him." Fizzarolli said "Blitzø is basically defenseless now that he's a kid, so we have to keep this a secret in order to protect him. Take Verosika for example, I know she's still pissed over her breakup with him & I know that my robot double is planning to get revenge."

Many were surprised especially Blitzø, Blitzø was surprised that Fizzarolli's counterpart would have his kid counterpart's name kept a secret to keep him safe

"Hm, you have a good point, I'd hate to think what Stella would do if she found out that Impling who danced with her daughter is the same Imp who slept with her husband when he was an adult." Asmodeus said "Woo, just thinking about it gives me the shivers."

"I'd hate to imagine that too since Stella already hates Blitzø for sleeping with Stolas." Lilith said

Flashback End

"Are you sure?" Katie said

"No, he hasn't confirmed his name yet." Asmodeus said

"Alright, thank you for your time, Mr. Asmodeus." Katie said "Well folks, looks the Mysterious Impling's identity hasn't been confirmed yet, tune in next time when we have another update. Who is this Mysterious Impling & what will he do next?"

Meanwhile Blitzø was in the Elevator waiting to get to the next Ring, then his cellphone rang.

"Hello?" Blitzø said

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