🫀:Hypno Dreamer

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Title: Hypno Dreamer

Subject Classification: O-01-663

Attack Type: White

Risk Level: Zayin

Description: This abnormality takes the form of a young man with his lower half replaced with that of a snake's tail laying on a pile of pillows. True to his name, he has the ability to hypnotize people. When spoken to, he is known to have a very calm and soothing voice, making it easy for people to just fall asleep. Depending on the work result, he will either cause the employee to fall asleep or hypnotize someone into doing his bidding, which mostly consists of the hypnotized employee stealing stuff for him. Another thing to note is that he never leaves his containment room, for he has a low stamina. He's not known for being hostile and just enjoys laying about and relaxing

Quote: "Look into my eyes, and all will be okay."


Based on the song "Hypnotic" by QueenPb

Flavor Text:

-"After stepping into Hypno Dreamer's containment room, <name> felt a wave of calm wash over them"

-"You look tired my dear. Care for a rest?"

-"Don't be afraid my dear. Look into my eyes~"

-"Can you guess? Let's play a game. Who's in control, not you nor me"

-"Hypno Dreamer reached out a hand to pat <name> on the head"

-"Forget all of your worries my dear. Just listen to me"

-"<name> could feel themselves drift off"

-"<name> could feel themselves drift off"

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