Kirby Reed, FBI.

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Summary: Kirby is asked by her supervisor to go back to California after the whole New York fiasco for a different mission..

A/N: Hello! Sorry I haven't updated in a couple months, terrible writers block and mental health got the best of me. Anyways, please enjoy!


It is currently a cold and dark evening in Kirby Reed's apartment, she was given a week off from work after battling the three ghostface's to rest. Kirby was watching a comedy film when she got a phone call from her supervisor, Teresa.

"Hello? This is Kirby.", Kirby says tiredly. "Hey Kirby, its Teresa. Just checking in to see how you were doing." Teresa says over the phone. "Oh hi, I'm doing okay, just in a little pain." Kirby says in a more neutral tone trying to not remember what she had to endure at the theater.

"Well that sucks I'm sorry about that, another reason why I called is that I wanted to ask if you were wanting to take a case out of state?", Teresa asked. Kirby paused for a moment and then asked, "What kind of case?"

"Well, one of my colleagues out in California saw how you handled the Ghostface case and he was really impressed, he thinks that there is more suspicious activity around that area and wants your assistance.", Teresa explains broadly. "Well where in California are we talking? Hollywood? Sacramento? San Diego?", Kirby kept listing cities in California until she was cut off by Teresa saying, "Woodsboro."

Kirby paused again, her body stiffening at the thought of going back to Woodsboro, after all the physical and mental pain it gave her she couldn't even think of going back. However, she did have a job to do, and a life to provide for herself. "Okay, I'll leave tomorrow morning.", and with that Kirby ended the phone call.


It was the next day, Kirby just got off of her flight to Woodsboro, California. She got to her hotel room and checked her phone, there was a text from Teresa.

Teresa: He's waiting for you at the police station, good luck Kirby.

Kirby couldn't help but shiver when she saw the text, she put her phone away and started walking out of her hotel room and to the police station. On the way there, there were christmas decorations all over the street despite it not even being Thanksgiving yet. "Jesus..", Kirby whispered to herself as she kept walking down the street. 

Once Kirby got to the police station, it was unnoticeably busy, everyone was working, phone calls were being made, Kirby walked up to the front desk to see an older man with grey thick hair and piercing eyes. "Kirby Reed, FBI. I was called here by my supervisor Teresa to help with a case with a certain someone?", Kirby asked flashing her badge.

"Yes ma'am, that would be me. Detective Mark Kincaid, pleasure to finally meet you.", Mark held his hand out and Kirby shook it with a smile. "Same here, so you want to explain to me why everyone is freaking out?", Kirby asks looking around the police station. "Certainly, it all started last weekend when we got a noise complaint from an abandoned church near the cemetery. When two of our officers went to check it out, they didn't find any people, but instead a dvd disc and red devil ghostface mask.", Mark explains as they walk to Marks office, when they get to his office he closes the door making it get quiet.

"What? So they think that there's another one just with a red mask?", Kirby asks with disbelief. "Not just that, it is what was on the video that is what is making them freak out so much", Mark says putting the video in his computer monitor, it whirs for a second and then he presses play with his computer mouse. The video starts with a empty room and it is filled with nothing but quietness. Then a ghostface appears on the screen, he is wearing the red devil mask and his voice is the same voice as the phone calls and the movies.

"This is tape number 44, the date is September 25th, 2022. Two of our members have been killed during their mission, Amber and Richie. They loved me, and I loved them. This is the upmost importance, the Carpenter sisters have been added to the eliminated list. I know you, my followers, will complete this task. What I do know, is that as long as the sisters, Sidney, and Gale are alive, our group will be destroyed..."

The video tape continued playing as Kirby watched in shock, this couldn't be happening! All these past ghostfaces came from this sort! "This is a joke, right detective?", Kirby asked turning the video off. "Don't think so, after watching this a couple times, we believe that this is some sort of..cult.", Mark says slowly. "A cult?! That's ridiculous detective.", Kirby says strictly. "It's a long shot, but if it means that no more murderous rampages then we'll have to take it down.", Mark says shaking his head.

Kirby couldn't wrap her head around this, a cult of ghostfaces being run by some sort of leader, with an elimination list. "We'll need to go to the church, then we'll move on from there.", Mark says packing a backpack with two handguns and two knives, he also hands Kirby a bulletproof vest. "Thanks, I'm assuming you already have one on?", Kirby asks with a chuckle. "You never know.", says Mark.

The drive to the abandoned church was short, it was a large church, could have been abandoned for years, and dark on the outside and in. To say that it made Kirby nervous, would be an understatement.

"Do we knock?", Kirby whispers as they both approach the two large front doors. "I'll knock, if someone answers we'll flash our badges.", Mark says, Kirby nods. Mark knocks on the two front doors three times, "Hello? Anyone here?", he says loudly.

At first there was silence, seeming as if no one was home. Mark knocked again, "We mean no harm! Just an inspection!", Mark says knocking more forcefully. Kirby tries pushing the door, and it opens immediately, "Oh. Well okay then.."

Kirby and Mark slowly walk through the church, keeping an eye out for any unfamiliars. They shout a "Hello!" every once in a while if they hear even a slight noise. After around ten minutes of walking through the church, they see an office door with a sign on it that says "Master".

"'Master'?", Kirby asks quietly. Mark slowly approaches the door and knocks on it softly, "Um hello? Anyone home?"

This time, a man actually opens the door, his face is scarred, tall, very short hair, and he has a black cloak on. He looks at both Kirby and Mark confusedly and says, "who are you?"

"Uh-! Kirby Reed! FBI! We were just doing an inspection on the building sir.", Kirby anxiously spoke flashing her badge. The taller man looks at Kirby confused, "I didn't ask for an inspection."

"Well sir, we're here! Would you mind letting us in?", Kirby asked with an anxious smile. The taller man rolled his eyes and huffed, "I suppose, come in have a seat on the couch over there.", he pointed to a red leather couch that had a black blanket draped over it. "So you're..Kirby? Like the video game character, and who are you?", he asked looking at Mark.

"Detective Mark Kincaid, I'm here just for supervision. You know how dangerous it is for people wandering alone in this town!", Mark chuckled, "Mind telling us who you are sir?"

The taller man chuckled and said, "I go by many names, freak, monster, psychotic..", he trailed on with nicknames before he finished with smiling at both detectives saying with glare.

"But you two can call me Stu."


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