
25 4 3

I visited the king,
He said there will be a vote,
The community decides
But he did say,
That I died,
From a car crash,
With a friend,
That friend died too,
That friend
Was Jace


Hello Guys, how long has it been... A year? I don't know but it's safe to say I haven't been on wattpad in ages. I have been reading a lot but just not writing. A couple of weeks ago I decided to write a fan fiction that would be uploaded here on wattpad then I remembered that I hadn't updated either of my books in forever. I know, I deleted starless skies, I just didn't feel in the mood to write it anymore but I still have it saved don't worry. So I will be uploading my fan fiction when wattpad stops being stupid and let's me add photos, I hate the new update but anyway I hope you are happy that I am updating again and hopefully will regularly and sorry for the short post, I just thought I should update. Thanks anyway

- Kayla

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