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Tommys pov
I've gotten more information about the little assholes who think it's okay to pick on max. Max is a sweet girl, could never hurt a fly nevermind make someone pissed. But kindness is a weakness unfortunately. I'll do everything I can to preserve her innocence. I told John and Arthur and they're just as pissed. She's refused to go to bed but she's fallen asleep in my arms at the table "Polly do you know anything about max being bullied at school?"'I ask her

She furrows her eyebrows "no. She doesn't like to talk about school. I ask about her day and she just tells me it went fine and I couldn't get her to crack about the lie either" I say "Finn's showed me her writing, he asked her about her day and she said Trudy Kyle and Harry Silvers made fun of her because of our absence. Others too Finn's admitted" they've made her cry.

Ada rolls her eyes "what are you gonna do about it Tommy? They're kids. Kids will be kids and she needs to stand up for herself and stop her whinin" we all glare at her. "I will not let this go. She's our sister. I'd have done the same for you Ada. Don't be bitter. They've put their hands on her as well." I snap. I pause as the angel in my lap adjusts and settles.

John's pov
I nod with Tommy "we can't let this continue we all know she's too sweet to do anything about it, it's what we're here for. The kids are older than her and bigger. It ain't fair" Polly asks "what are ya gonna do? Beat the kids up?" I smirk "I'm down" Polly scolds "John!"
Arthur laughs "what? Someone's gotta teach the lil assholes a lesson" Tommy says "we're gonna go and speak to the parents. If they know what's good for 'em their children will leave 'er alone. Their business owners. Under our protection." I say "or go straight to the source. Fuck those lil kids"

Tommy says "as much as I want to, they're still children John" I chuckle "Finn go and fight em." Tommy says "nah, they learned it from somewhere. Gotta start at the source of their behavior" I watch as he picks her up and we all scatter and get ready for bed. We all go to her room and each kiss her forehead goodnight.

Max's pov
I'm up and ready for school. Tommy smiles seeing me ready "ready love? Gonna walk ya" I perk up "really?" He nods and says "yes really max" John and Arthur insist on joining us too. Yay! Tommy tells me "gold one of our hands crossin love" I nod and grip onto his and John's who's closest. Soon we make it to the school and I tense seeing Trudy and Kyle. Their eyes catch mine and they smirk and I look away. "Hey love" I look up and see John. "What's got ya so fidgety? Hm?" I shake my head and say "it's nothing" not wanting them to worry. They'll stop now that they're home right? He picks me up and says "it ain't nothin if ya like this love let's get ya inside to your class yeah?" "But Tommy and Arthur didn't say bye" I point out noticing they're not here. "Tom! Arthur! Come say bye to er yeah!" He calls setting me down. I rush to them as they kneel and wrap my arms around tommys neck "bye Tommy" I mutter. Not wanting to part from them. He grins and kisses my head "I'll be here after ya get outta school waitin for ya. Go learn somethin and have fun love" hugging me back and I do the same for Arthur. I walk back to John and take his hand and he walks me inside to my class and hugs me "raise hell for them teachers alright love?" I giggle as he tickles my sides he kisses my head "be good though seriously love. I might have a surprise for ya if ya are" I perk up "really?!" He nods and says "all ya gotta do is be good. If someone bothers ya ball your fists like this" showing me how. And he says "you're gonna rear that arm back like this and let it fly"

I say "aunt Polly said fighting isn't lady like" he chuckles "it usually ain't. But if someone says something to you that is mean, or puts their hands on ya in a way you don't like. Fighting is fine. Hell I do it. Arthur and Tommy too. There's no reason you shouldn't. Now hit me like ya mean it" holding his hands up and I shake my head "but I don't mean it. You're my brother and I love you. Why would I hit you?" Confused. He chuckles "I love ya too max. More than ya know. I'm teaching ya how to defend yourself. Hit me. I can take it" I ask "are you sure?" He nods "absolutely certain" "I don't want to hurt you. Or anyone John" I say.

He replies "ya gotta defend yourself max. We can do a lot of it for ya. But sometimes we might not be able to" "are you leaving again?" I ask him confused. He shakes his head "never again." I nod and slowly he coaxes me into hitting his hands "harder" and I hit them harder. He chuckles "harder"
And I do it. He nods "just like that. Or harder if ya would like. Anyone bothers ya, hit them just like that alright?" I nod and he opens his arms "cmon and gimme a hug love" I do and say "I love you" he tightens his hold on me slightly "I love you too max" and with that I head inside my class. Trudy and Harry and overall billy free.

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