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I was laying on my bed and listening to music with Summer next to me "come on girls! we're going to be late and miss this comp you two so desperately want to attend!" our mum shouted from downstairs. it's only my second year living in New York with mum and Summer, but I really enjoy it. although they have very crappy breaks I can deal with it, at least I still get to surf. "Taxi's here!" Summer and I jump up at mum's words and race downstairs. Summer and I were excited to see our friends again.

*fast forward*
we crouched down by the officials tent and Summer grabbed the mic "Poppy Tetanui and Bodhi Mercer your pizza is ready, I repeat your pizza is ready" she announces, we chuckle as Poppy and Bodhi look around confused and shrug at each other. I then take the mic off Summer "and Marlon Sousa please put a shirt on for once" I add as the official catches us, we quickly get up and run off "oh my god Summer! Autumn!" Bodhi said smiling "AUTUMN! SUMMER!" Poppy squealed and ran to me jumping onto me and hugging me "you guys could've told us you were coming!" Poppy said smiling widely. I then here a familiar voice with an accent "America's?" Marlon comes over "ayy Brazil!" I say as he dabs me up, doing the same to Summer after "so...where's Ari?" Summer asks, Bodhi scoffs playfully "he's the only reason you're here isn't he?" she chuckled "what!? n-no!" Summer said looking a bit flustered. I look over to the pool where I see Ari emerging with his surfboard "hey Ari!" I wave to him "Autumn!? oh my god what are you doing here! it's been so lo-" he was cut off as Summer turned around, he smiled "hey" it was like he just reset "hi..." they smiled at each other in an awkward but kind of adorable way, Summer slowly started walking to Ari as a blonde girl ran by "how was practice handsome?" she asked wrapping a towel around his neck and kissing him. As they pulled away Ari announced us "Wren, this is Autumn and Summer" he pointed us out "Autumn, Summer, this is Wren. my girlfriend." he smiled at her "oh my gosh I've heard so much about you guys!" she squealed, her voice was so annoying. I just met her and I already hated her. she hugged both me and Summer "uhm...well Summer and I gotta go...uhh..." I paused "check if our applications were excepted" I snap my fingers "so huh...byyeeeee" I fake smile and drag Summer behind me "well what the fuck was that?" I ask her "I-I have no idea" she mumbled back as we headed to the officials tent.

"oh come on!" I say sternly to the official. "surely we get some extra points for surfing crappy breaks!" I exclaim "I'm sorry but my decision is final" I roll my eyes at the official's comment and grab Summer's hand dragging her behind me. once we get to the boys change rooms Summer stops me "what are we doing here?" she asks "you'll see" I reply to her quietly. we walk in and stand in front of Ari "Ari" I announce myself as Ari looks up at me "I-we need your help" I say looking at him with a smile, he then turns his whole body to me "sure, what's up?" he asks "well...the dumb-dumb officials rejected out applications so we just need you to distract the official for like 10 seconds while Summer and I sneak through and jump in the pool to show them how good we are" I say looking at him with my fingers crossed behind my back, Ari look away from me and starts talking to someone else "hey mate how'd you go?" he asks a tall, kinda hot, pink haired boy "yeah I did good" he replied as he passed by and started getting changed, pulling his wettie down to his waist. Ari looks back at Summer and I and sighs "look, it's great that you and Summer are still into surfing but I'm not going to risk my shot at nationals" I look at him with puppy dog eyes "c'mon Ari help a couple girls out" I whine "yeah" Summer adds "a year ago today we got you on that ferry do you could go surf your final" Ari sighs once more "I'm sorry girls, but I'm just not taking that risk, glad y'all are back" he then walked out "argh" I groan kicking the wall "I'll help" I hear a voice say, I turn to see the pink haired boy looking at us. Summer and I exchange a look and then look back at the boy.

we sneak past the official as Mr. Pinkie distracts him, he glances at us as we sneak behind them, I hold a thumbs up and he throws me a quick wink. Summer and I get to the edge and throw our boards into the water, jumping in after them "Summer! Autumn!" Wren screeches at us, we surface and then get on our boards "could the intruders please get out of the comp area!" we hear someone say over the speakers, a wave comes on "you go first" I whisper to Summer, she paddles and goes for the wave pulling some sick 180's "ugh she stole my wave!" Wren scoffs "shut it blondie" I snap at her protecting my little sister. I watch for the next wave and get out my stomach paddling with the wave, I stand on my board as a rush of adrenaline pumps through my veins, I do a few 180's and finish it off with an air. "oh my god, go America's!" Marlon shouts at Summer and I. Everyone gets out of the pool, Wren goes to Ari "sorry about them." Ari says to her "why are you sorry?" she asks smiling "they're the ones who crashed my heat" she scoffed "yeah I know it's just...they don't really think before they act" he whispered to Wren, she smiled at him and they walked off.

"what was that?" Poppy chuckled "sorry Pops, we couldn't help it" I chuckles with Poppy, I then looked at Summer "those 180's were pretty amazing, good job Sum-Sum" I high-fived her "thanks. that air was sick! you did so well, they have to give you a wildcard spot!" Summer bragged about my air for a bit and we all headed back home after a while, Summer and I loaded our surfboards on the roof of my little black Porsche and secured them. I put my red P plates on the car and got in turning it on, suddenly I head a knock on my window. it was Poppy and Bodhi, I rolled the window down "what's up girls?" I ask, Poppy replies after a few moments "there's a mini party at Ari's tonight, like a group hang. and he asked us to invite you guys" Summer and I exchanged a look and then smiled at Poppy "oh we'll be there" Summer replies, I roll up the windows and wave goodbye to Poppy and Bodhi as we drive to the house we rented whilst we stayed in Shorehaven.

two birds, one stone [Baxter Radic x female OC]Where stories live. Discover now