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Justine pov

"Omg I like couldn't care like less" Justine takes a puff of her cigarette, mocking her friend and the other thousand people she's heard it from today.

"yeah, but he's from jail, J, jail!!" Her friend Aimee exclaimed. Justine rolled her eyes, there was a rumor going around that a new student was coming any day now, and he's apparently been in jail. "Yeah probably like the other one hundred and sixty kids here"

Aimee ignored her remark, going on to something else "You should really stop smoking you know that stuff makes your face look old"

"Good that's just how I feel"

Aimee rolled her eyes right back at her. "I gotta go to class, see you at lunch," she said giving Justine and gave her a flashy an overaethussactic grin, and skipped on to her class.

As she disappeared out of sight, Justine gave a rare smile to herself she knew she was lucky to have her as a friend.

Once Aimee fully emerged in the crowd of other people who were also going to class, that's when Justine finally left too. But she wasn't going to class.


In the bathroom stall, Justine sat on the floor listening to music and drawing in her sketchbook. She was drawing a picture of a girl's face with crackles all through her skin as if she was made with Porcelain. And there were flowers growing out of all her cracks, some that were all bloomed and all pretty and bloomed and some were had shriveled up and rotted.

Most of her sketches looked like this, they were always something bizarre happening to a girl's face. Sometimes the girl had multiple eyes, or she was leaking black stuff from her eyes, mouth, nose, and ears. Yes, some found it disturbing, but Justine couldn't care less what others thought about her or her art.

She was soon interrupted by what sounded like multiple footsteps entering the bathroom. She immediately takes off her headphones wondering if it wasn't just a background beat in the song she was listening to. Once she realized the the footsteps were still continuing with her headphones off she clinched, breathing hard, scared she was about to get caught.

"Maddie! Guess what Ivy told me at lunch!?" a female voice, squeaked.

"Omg, what?" another voice asked while going through what sounded like some purse or bag.

"The new boy is gonna be in our new homeroom!"

Justine felt herself silently blow off in relief. Just other students, that was it.

"Really!?" the voice, which was apparently named Maddie said in excitement.

"I know right!? he's apparently coming this Thursday!"

"omg!" Maddie pretty much screamed

"He better be yummy, because I'm definitely not wasting my peach-kissed lipgloss on some ugly ass"

yummy, Justine always thought that was such a weird way to describe someone who one thought was attractive. It made you sound like you were a cannibal, and why would she waste a favorite lipgloss just to impress someone?

If Justine was her she wear that lipgloss for herself, not to please anybody else. And especially not a guy.

"For real, I'm going to literally kill myself if he ends up looking like one of the guys here" cried the girl named Maddie.

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