She spent most of the night staring at the roof. Letting her thoughts roam. Around 2 am she heard footsteps. She immediately got up. When she reached the kitchen she found Gideon sitting at the counter, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Couldn't sleep?" He asks, when he sees her.

"Light sleeper, heard you walking" Emily says as she stands across from him,pouring herself a cup too. This was by far the longest conversation she had ever had with him.

He couldn't tell if she was lying. Either she wasn't or she was too good at covering it up.

"Not what you expected, isn't it?" He says

She didn't understand. "I don't understand" she says.

"I'm sure, that you didn't expect to see your colleague abducted within 6 months of working here." he says

Emily still didnt understand the point he was trying to make. She knew he was smart, but smart enough to see the faults in her facade, she didn't know.

"I didn't" Emily simply says.

Once everyone was awake they were searching various rooms of the house.

Most of them had made thier way to the bed room. when Gideon pulled back the wall paper. On the wall was words written in some other language.

"Is it Latin?" Derek asks

Emily murmurs what seems to be what was written. "Honour thy father" She says

"You speak Latin?" Derek asks

"Only language I could take in high school" Emily shrugs.

After Emily walks out of the room, she passes the bathroom where JJ was. She hears JJ call to her, Emily moves into sight.


JJ was a mess. Something was off about Emily Prentiss. She walked on to every crime scene. Never hiding, she never even flinched at the horrible sights she had seen. She came off a desk job, but yet how was she already better than JJ.


JJ was a mess. Emily knew she needed to get out of the house. She offered JJ to come out with her tommorow. Just as she was going to walk away, JJ called to her again.

"Emily, how come none of this gets to you?"

Emily flips her head back not knowing what to say, "I don't understand what you mean"

"I mean, you came of of a desk job, now suddenly your in the field surrounded by mutilated bodies and you don't even flinch"

Emily was caught by surprise when she sensed Hotch behind her, "she is right you have never even blinked"

Emily felt the walls around her closing. She always hoped that her colleagues would never, ask questions about her, because she knew she would never have a good enough answer. It was enough that Gideon was close to the truth, she didn't need everyone behind her especially Hotch. She was scared, but she quickly covered it, but not quick enough for Hotch to notice.

"I guess I just compartmentalize better than most" was the best she could come up with.

Just at that second Morgan called out. He had found the father.


Once JJ and Emily got back, JJ was relaying the information to the team. Emily knew this was something JJ needed to do. She needed to feel that she had done something.

"Dilaudid, what is it?" Gideon asks

"It's a drugstore heroine" Emily jumps in. She new exactly what it was. She had first come across it in Italy, but the one piece of control she was that she refused to do needles. The team looked at her questioningly. They had picked up on her emotional response. Emily looked back at them. She but her lip. "I had a friend, who went in too deep" she didn't know whether she was talking about herself or Mathew.

Once again she was saved when Morgan yelled out. Hankle was streaming a video of Reid to them.

She looked around at her team mates, most of them had tears in thier eyes. The screen flicked off when Reid made his choice.

When they got back from the newest crime scene. Gideon cornered Emily.

"Prentiss, you are the newest member of the team, meaning you have the least emotional connection to Reid. You aren't clouded like the rest of us. So what are you thinking"

"I don't know" Emily says

"Prentiss think, there has to be some about this case that bugs you." Gideon urges her.

When Emily starts thinking, that's when she gets it. "The time"

"What about it?" Gideon asks.

"Hankle can't be that far away, if we are assuming the video of Reid is close to real time. It doesn't take that long for him to commit the murders"


The Team had saved Reid. Prentiss still hadn't gone to sleep on the jet ride back. Gideon wondered what it was that didn't allow her to sleep. And if she ever would be comfortable enough to sleep in front of them.

He was glad Reid was relatively okay, but wondered if this would be it got him.


Emily was opened her eyes to see Derek walking towards her.

"I'm sorry if I woke you up" He say

"You didn't" Emily says.

Once Derek sits in front of her he says "you did good work today if it wasn't for you we wouldn't have not found him so quickly."

She looks in the eyes and then says "I'm just happy we found him"

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