Chapter 4

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Hope you guys like it!!! Don't forget to comment any form of comments you have :) good or bad i like the constructive criticism :)

                  “Jack?” I said when I saw him. Did he not get my message? He shouldn’t be here? What am I supposed to do now? This wasn’t supposed to happen? Why did we have to come here of all places? What am I going to do? The questions continued to run through my head, while the expression that I had on my face was still a mystery to me.

                  “Who’s this?” he asked eyeing Matt down in an unfriendly way that made me feel almost protective.

                  “This is Matt,” no matter how I felt I couldn’t be rude. “Didn’t you get my message?”

                  “What message?” a look of confusion swept across his face.

                  “I talked to your roommate, I told him I wouldn’t be able to make it tonight and to let you know. He didn’t seem very dependable on the phone.” I allowed my eyes to wander over to Matt, who was looking quite uncomfortable at the scenario unfolding before him. I tried giving him a small smile, and felt better immediately after he shot one back. Unfortunately it went away right after looking back to Jack.

                  “I think my being here makes it quite obvious that I didn’t get that message. Kind of you to still come to where we where supposed to meet, so you didn’t get to miss out on a great meal.” I couldn’t believe he was being like this. I had tried to call him, it wasn’t my fault his roommate was lazy and irresponsible.

                  “Jack it’s not like that and you know it. Don’t be like that.”

                  “You know Jen, want to know the best part? I’ve been waiting for two years to see you. For two years I’ve been stuck moving from house to house just waiting for the day I could look at you again, see your smile again. That’s why I was so excited to see you the day I got back. Thank you so much for missing me as much as I missed you.”

                  “What are you talking about Jack? You where the one who had my number; and you where the only one who was able to contact the other. I had no way of even knowing what city you where living in much less your number.” I only just became aware of the bodies facing us watching the fight, leaving their food unattended too. “Jack I’m sorry lets not do this here.”

                  “ Whatever Jen, I’m leaving it was great seeing you.” He said as he pushed open the door in a violent manner. I chased after him immediately.

                  “Jack wait, you know I miss you. I’m sorry, it was short notice and I already had plans with Matt. Can’t we do something tomorrow?” I asked, the plea heavy on my words.

                  “If you missed me as much as I missed you. You wouldn’t even be able to wait that one day.”

                  “Why didn’t you call me then Jack? We didn’t have to miss eachother that much. We could have stayed in touch, visited even. Why didn’t you write?” My voice softened as I realized how much I had missed him.

                  “Because it would’ve been too hard Jen, that’s why.” He said as he opened his car door.

                  “How would’ve it been too hard to talk? It would’ve been better!”

                  “Maybe not harder for you, but harder for me. It would’ve been impossible to be talking 2500 km away from the girl I’m in love with, and know that she is out with other boys. At least without talking to you, I could pretend you where in love with me too.” And with that he slammed his door and drove away. Leaving me standing there speechless, realizing that Matt was standing behind me.

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