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Warning ⚠
This chapter contains insomnia so if you can be triggered by this please don't read this chapter.

Third's person POV
It was another sleepless night for the blond as he stared at the ceiling of the bedroom.
Next to him was his sleeping boyfriend, Izuku, who looked so calm that Katsuki didn't want to wake him up to tell him that he couldn't sleep. You know, this isn't the first time that Katsuki has problems falling asleep and his boyfriend knew that and told him to always wake him up if he couldn't fall asleep. He rimained still in order to not wake up the freckled boy next to him who was resting. Katsuki knew that if he wouldn't get any type of sleep he would be bratty on the morning so he tried hard to fall asleep but nothing. He checked the time on the alarm that was on Izuku's bedside table next to the bed '5:48'. He knew that he will not get any sleep because Izuku always woke them up at 6am. He really doesn't know why but he always did and for Katsuki that was alright.

Izuku's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I turned around to shut off the beeping and got back in my original position: on my back. I opened my eyes looking to the side to see Kat wide awake looking at the ceiling "Morning princess, why already awake?""O-Oh good morning Zuzu I just woke up b-before the alarm that's all!" I didn't really believed it but I keeped that in mind. I got out of bed walking to the wardrobe to get mine and Kat's clothes for our shower. "cmon princess let's take a shower". I saw him slowly get up and walking in the bathroom and started stripping. During the shower I noticed he was dozing off and I asked him "baby are you okay? You're a lot emotionless this morning" "it's okay Zuzu I'm just a bit tired" "ok if you say so" it was a bit suspicious so I  keeped even that in mind. When we got out we dressed and I dried his hair with the hair dryer and then mine.

 When we got out we dressed and I dried his hair with the hair dryer and then mine

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  (Kat was dressed in this)

     (while I was dressed in this)We got downstairs and i asked him "what do you want for breakfast sweetheart?" "I want pancakes!" "sorry baby but I don't have the ingridients" "what? But I want pancakes!" "babe i don't have the ingridients to ma...

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     (while I was dressed in this)

We got downstairs and i asked him "what do you want for breakfast sweetheart?" "I want pancakes!" "sorry baby but I don't have the ingridients" "what? But I want pancakes!" "babe i don't have the ingridients to make them, what about some fruits? Are they okay?" "NO! I WANT MY PANCAKES" I looked at him, dumbfooled. He never had a reaction like this "Kat, hey what's wrong baby?" I asked approaching him slowly "I. WANT. PANCAKES. IS THAT HARD TO UNDERSTAND?" I have much patience but he was getting on my nerves shouting "Kat do not make me angry. I can't do them but you can choose anything else" "I SAID I WANT PANCAKES!!" "KAT!" "WHAT?!" "KATSUKI BAKUGO GO TO OUR FUCKING ROOM!!" "FINE YOU'RE JUST AN ASSHOLE WHO CAN'T EVEN SATISFY HIS BOYFRIEND!" " no you didn't say that" "YES, I DID AND WHATS THE PROBLEM" I said nothing and walked into the kitchen declining to ignore him for the whole day as a punishment. I started making some fruits for me and started eating them going over the couch and turning on the TV "ARE YOU REALLY DOING THAT?" asked Kat. I didn't answer. He stomped off to our room and slammed the door not locking it.

2 and a half hours later

Katsuki's POV:

I was sad that Izuku still didn't come up to comfort. That's what he would always do after a fight even if I was wrong but he still didn't come. I took a book to distract myself from the argument. I got downstairs without making any noises and I saw him playing video games with his friends online. I got to the kitchen, put my book on the counter and started reaching for one of the glasses. It was too high for me to reach so I climbed on the counter and tried to take a glass but I slipped and fell to the ground. It was a loud thud so I thought that Zuzu heard it but nothing he continued playing. I tried to get up and fell again and my left foot was aching and I started tearing up not making a sound. I finally got up using the counter and got my book and even if it will hurt like hell I ran from the kitchen to the stairs and up to our bedroom. I saw Zuzu giving me a small glance and then widened his eyes getting up and running after me.
I got to the bedroom and locked the door. Zuzu was banging on the door trying to enter. Then I saw myself in the bedroom mirror. My forehead was leaking blood. I threw the book on the bed and got to the connected bathroom and locked the door. I thought that the banging on the door stopped but I heard someone walk in and call my name. I was in the bathroom when Zuzu, with a spare key, entered the room rushing to my side and hugging me repeating 'I'm sorry'. He got off of me and took some alcohol and some cotton, putting the liquid on it and gently pressing it on my forehead where the wound was. It stung but I didn't talk or make a noise.

Izuku's POV:

Fuck fuck fuck. I finished treating Kat's wound and putting a bandaid on it. I hugged him and I heard him say 'I'm sorry'. "hey its ok you did nothing wrong""ye-yes I d-did""what do you mean baby?" he didn't talk so I picked him up and took him to our bedroom and seating him on the bed sitting next to him. "can you please tell me what did you do sweetheart?""y-you won't g-et m-mad? "
"no baby, I promise I won't be upset""i did-n't s-sleep last ni-ght""hey why didn't you woke me up?" "cause you were sl-eeping a-and I didn't wan-t to dis-turb you" "you know you will never bother me" I said picking him up and putting him on my lap "you should have woke me up so I could help you" "I-I'm sorr-y" "it's ok I'm not upset, do you wanna rest now?" "it's o-ok you ca-n g-go" "no I will stay here and lay with you" I said laying in bed with him on top "just sleep baby you will fell better" I said kissing his head but he started squirming a bit so I asked "what's wrong?" "m-my clo-thes""ok wait a second" I stood up and picked him up like a koala and got to the dresser where he chose this

 "can you please tell me what did you do sweetheart?""y-you won't g-et m-mad? ""no baby, I promise I won't be upset""i did-n't s-sleep last ni-ght""hey why didn't you woke me up?" "cause you were sl-eeping a-and I didn't wan-t to dis-turb you" "yo...

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(i wish I did have that it look so fluffin

We got back in bed and he closed his eyes drifting off to sleep while I watched my phone.


1248 words
Sorry if I slowed down with the updates but I need ideas (that you can give me in the comments) and I also started school.
Also I'm writing a new shinkami story that is like this and will have many one shots.

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