One Bot's Death is another's Chance to Rise (part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Understood," came the reply from a rough, serious, deep voice. Said voice emanated from a navy blue truck with red flames detailing its sides. "Ratchet, do you have Cliffjumpers coordinates?"

"I'm locked on his signal Optimus. But our team is scattered across time zones." A white and orange emergency vehicle responds from an icy tundra, his voice is also masculine.

"Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee rendezvous back at base and prepare to groundbridge." As Optimus too begins his long drive back to their base of operation another conversation is being held within the Prime's compartment.

"I can't wait to fight the Decepticons. It's been a long time since we've last seen them" said a girl. The tone in her voice implied immaturity, but she was older than her voice and looks implied.

"I am sorry to say this, but you will not be accompanying us this time." Optimus Prime replied, much to the girl's dismay.

"What? C'mon why can't I?" She inquired.

"If it is true that the Decepticons have returned, it is not safe for you to come with us. Besides we will be fighting near energon, it is highly explosive as you are well aware."

"Yeah I know..." she sounded like a sad child who didn't get their way. "Just be careful, ok?"

"We will return to you as swiftly as we can."

"Alright Optimus, hey does this mean I can operate the groundbridge?" She suddenly asked, hope and joy returning to her voice.

"Yes Rose, we will need you to bridge all of us back once we secure Cliffjumper." Optimus responded glad that his human charge was once again in good spirits.

"Yas!" She responded silently, pumping a fist as high as she could in the confined space within Optimus' vehicle form. "Optimus, make sure you all come home in one piece, alright? I don't want to lose anymore family members."

"I promise you Rose I will ensure all of our safe return, so worry not about us alright?"

"Yes sir!" Rose responded giddy, and with a laugh. Optimus was glad to have her to brighten the situation. But he couldn't help but worry for Cliffjumper.

Back with Cliff, he had managed to take out quite a few Vehicon troopers, but at least 10 or more remained plus an entire battleship filled with reinforcements loomed overhead. The battle was lasting too long as Cliffjumpers strength began to wane. Three Cons surrounded him and knocked him back towards a large cluster of energon crystals. Slightly shaky he stands up, prepared to stand his ground.

"You want the horns? You got 'em" Cliff then transforms again, but instead of his body it's just his hands. And in the place of his Con bashing, metallic servos were two sets of blasters ready to roast some Decepticon plating. He began to fire at the Cons, and they too formed their own blasters and fired back. Cliff would dodge their blasts effortlessly, jumping to the right, roll to the left. He was winning, and would have too if the concentrated Con fire didn't ignite the energon crystals. The explosion then triggered the rest of the crystals to explode as well, filling the crater with blue fire that shot upwards narrowly missing the Decepticon warship. Fortunately all the Vehicons had been destroyed, unfortunately Cliff was also caught up in the explosion and was badly wounded. Two scouts exited the ship to look for Cliff's remains, however finding him still alive they dragged his battered body out of the crater and into the Con ship.

Within the dark ship there's a Seeker Con with heeled feet standing at the monitor. In a gruff yet immature voice he says, 

"the energon, it's completely worthless to me now." He proceeds to scowl in annoyance, while two scouts approach bringing with them a dented and leaking Cliffjumper.

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