The man grins, quaking his head "Vihaan, just call me that."

As if I don't know

"I feel like I have seen you somewhere." She fakes her inquisitiveness, her eyebrows creased as though she was trying to recall roughly. "Is your father Manish Rajvanshi?" Vivaan smirks, the corners of his lips twitching with pride.

"Of course, who wouldn't know about the only son of one of the richest businessmen in Mumbai." She fakes a smile.

"Correction." She undertones, gripping his hand and squatting it away. "Who would know about the son when his father is the one who is rich." He stares at her, clasping his jaw, controlling the urge to snap at her.

"Feisty. I like that." He pauses, sloping closer towards her "Only when within the four walls."

Cocky bastard

She grits her teeth, infuriated at the waste of time it was to even have a conversation with him. She lifts her glass, her fingers wrapped firmly around the glass as she tumbles the liquid down on her dress deliberately.

"Shit." She stands up quickly, masking a look of distress, as she tries to clean the remnants. "I'll just come." She grabs her wallet and walks away immediately, bothering no look at him knowing what exactly she was leading him to do.

She gets into the washroom swiftly taking out her phone and rummaging through her messenger trying to find someone whom she texts instantly.

A: Anytime now, get quick sent

She puts her phone away, finding herself standing in front of the mirror, her heart thumping fretfully. No matter how confident she looked and felt, she knew she was frightened by the possibility of her getting battered. But she had to do this, she wanted to do this.

Just as the air around her had gotten suffocating enough for her to brace her hands on the sink, the door to the bathroom had burst open.

Aahana's head snapped up, ebony eyes meeting her own in the mirror. She gasps, her eyes widening only for a second before they go back to their usual state. No matter how much she knew what was going to happen, she shuddered as the door clicked shut.

"What are you doing here?" She counterfeits being staggered.

"You'll know." Before she could process anything, she was backed up against the wall as his arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to him. She didn't miss the way his eyes flickered to her lips, his eyes rancid of lust. She lurches her head away, making his lips fall on her jaw, closer to her ear. He smiles "Told ya, feisty much." He dips his head in, placing his lips on her neck, biting her flesh.

She winces, clenching her jaw, placing her hand on his shoulder, trailing it up and looping it around his neck, her fingers twitching with an urge to choke him but chose otherwise.

"What if someone walks in?" She whispers, her fingers constricting around his neck.

"I looked into it." He pulls back, his eyes drowning in lust. "No one's disturbing us." She nods, smiling shyly.


"I'll get it erased."

"Now." He frowns "Get it erased now." She whispers leaning in, pressing herself to him. He smirks, finding himself nodding at her, leaning in and kissing the corner of her lips before turning on his heels and getting out of the restroom.

"Turn off the CCTV and leave, every one of you."

"But sir- "

"Do what you are told." He roars "Don't forget, it is me who pays you all. So, pack your stuff and leave in 5 minutes"

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