Chapter 2: The Man In The Straw Hat

Start from the beginning

"Who the hell is Shanks?" Zoro asked.

"We don't need to fight. I can talk to them. Pirate to Pirate." Luffy continued. I sighed again, this isn't going anywhere. "That won't work." Nami blurted out.

"Why not?"

"To start, you're not a pirate." She stated to him, folding her arms. "So that makes you one?" I interjected, making Zoro snort slightly.

"Yes, I am." Luffy positively responded, his smile not leaving his face.

"No, you're not." Nami corrected. "You are some stretchy guy in a tattered hat."

"I'm a different type of pirate."

"Okay this convo is just getting annoying now." I stood next to Zoro. "You telling me?" It wasn't long before the bickering between Luffy and Nami was cut off by the sound of circus music played.

The wooden walls were all suddenly removed one by one. Many clowns and people were dancing and performing all sorts of different tricks, blowing fire and some juggling balls. The audience was chained down. 

"No, no, no, no, no! Stop clapping! No, It's all wrong!" Some man with blue pigtails and a big red nose came in, looking angered by the performance, causing the audience to stop clapping right away.

"The spotlight was late. You, completely missed my entrance. And where, oh, where," He walked closer to the lion. "Was the dancing lion?"  Luffy and I remembered his poster, he was that creepy clown.

"Hey, I know you! I saw your wanted poster in Shells Town. You're the clown guy... Um... Uh... Blinky, right?" Luffy casually talked to the clown, catching his attention. "He's gonna try to kill us." I mumbled out.

"Buggy." He told him, jumping off the stool where the lion guy was once before. "Buggy the Clown." He announced to all of us.

And he went on, "Buggy, the Flashy Fool. Buggy, the Genius Jester." 

"They got the fool part right." Luffy elbowed me. "Wow, you have a lot of names. I bet everybody knows who you are." Luffy spoke up, making the audience gasp at his words. "What did you just say?" Buggy turned to the boy next to me. 

Whats the big deal anyways?

"Just that everybody knows who you are..." Luffy repeated himself. "Nose?!" Buggy yelled, now up in Luffy's face, holding his cheeks. "Are you making fun of my nose?"

"Well, I wasn't... But now that you've mentioned it. Is that thing real?" Luffy reached to touch the pirate's large red nose but he got his hand slapped away from him.

Buggy baked from the group and started pacing, "What's real is I've been scheming for months to steal that map from old Axe-hand moron only to find out that I was upstaged by four little nobodies who stole if from right out under my no- No! it's in my head now! Argh!" 

Buggy turned to me and gave me one of the most weirdest smiles I've seen so far in my life. I unconsciously moved closer to Zoro, making him look down slightly at me.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy... and I'm going to become King of the Pirates." Buggy clearly didn't take him seriously and started laughing and turned to lion guy. He held up a sign to the audience saying that they should laugh and they did what was commanded.

"My bounty poster graces the marque of every Marine outpost for miles. And my managers of outcasts and freaks are the most dreaded pirate crew the East Blue has ever known." Buggy boasted to him. 

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