Part 12

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Third person POV

Scoups is on the dance floor and Hyunsuk is busy taking an important call leaving Haruto and Jeongwoo alone in the table. Haruto is drinking wine from the bottle. At first he was drinking it from glass but he got irritated to keep pouring wine from the bottle to the glass. So he just decided to drink it from the bottle.

There was an awkward silence surrounding them until Haruto finally broke it. "So, how you doing?" Haruto asked. And Jeongwoo being Jeongwoo he replied with "So thoughtful of you, you asked it so early. You could have ask it a bit later" he said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"See, this is why people don't like talking with you neither want to be friends with you. " Haruto said while pointing at the tanned skin. Jeongwoo just rolled his eyes. "Don't roll your eyes over me" Haruto said in a demanding tone of voice but Jeongwoo didn't listen to the Japanese, he again rolled his eyes to annoy the Japanese. Fortunately this time Haruto didn't notice the tanned skin rolling his eyes. They just met but they're already at each other's throat.

Nothing to blame about it to each other, they just don't click together, well at least that's what they think. No one's ready to accept that it's not that 'they don't click' rather it's because they're too egocentric to accept their own mistakes. They blame it on each other instead.

"You said you wanted to be friends with me but you're still acting like a jerk that you're" Jeongwoo said. The Japanese scoffed at the Korean's sentence and said "look who's saying" as he drank alcohol from the bottle.

"Guess some people never change" Haruto mumbled but it was still audible enough for the tanned skin to hear clearly. Yet he didn't say anything. Fighting with the Japanese will bring him no good rather it'll exhaust him and the last thing he want is to b exhausted. So he started drinking the beer, drowning himself in alcohol and minding his own business.

An hour passed but there's still no sight of Hyunsuk. Meanwhile Jeongwoo was already at his limit. He didn't know he had low alcohol tolerance since it's his first time drinking so he got super drunk by drinking 4 glasses of beer and Haruto was unknown of the fact that how drunk the male in front of him was.

Some minutes later Haruto noticed Jeongwoo, he was acting weird like he's possessed or something. Haruto being worried, he asked "Yo! You okay?" However, the tanned skin didn't reply. So Haruto got even more worried. 'is he even alive?' Haruto asked himself as he stood up from his chair and went towards Jeongwoo to check on him.

Jeongwoo was sitting with his head down on the table as a result Haruto was unable to see Jeongwoo's face. Haruto went beside Jeongwoo and stood there for a minute. Hesitating to lift Jeongwoo's head. It took him 5 minute just to decide if he should disturb Jeongwoo or not. Haruto thought the tanned skin was sleeping so he didn't want to disturb coz if the tanned skin wake up he'll blame the Japanese for ruining his previous sleep.

Haruto reached for Jeongwoo's back to shake him in order to wake him up but nothing happened. The tanned skin didn't even flinch. He tried to shake the tanned skin a little aggressively but to no avail, nothing happened once again.

This time he decided to reach for Jeongwoo's head. Don't get him wrong he won't pull Jeongwoo's hair to wake him up or whatsoever. It'll be rude he knows. He just wanted to pat Jeongwoo's head, maybe it'll wake him? Well who knows? That's what he was thinking. Deep down Haruto knew that he wanted to touch Jeongwoo's hair coz it was looking temptingly soft but he kept denying it saying he just wanna pat Jeongwoo's head coz it might wake Jeongwoo up. It was a pretty weird reason or rather say 'excuse'

He hesitatingly reached Jeongwoo's hair with his trembling hand. Even he was surprised as to why he's hand is suddenly trembling. It's not like it's his first time trying to touch someone's hair. He did many intimidating things with many people but his hands never trembled like it is doing now. He found it weird. 'maybe it's because of the alcohol' he said to himself. Forcing himself to believe that it's the alcohol's fault when it was clearly something else which he didn't want to accept.

Haruto tried to stop his hands from shaking like this and finally his hand touched Jeongwoo's hair. It was soft, smooth. A smiled carve on Haruto's face as he felt how soft and smooth Jeongwoo's hair was. 'as expected it's soft... wait? Soft? Wtf are you even thinking Watanabe Haruto? Act cool' he said to himself as his smiling face turned to his usual cold expression.

To Haruto's unknown he kept ruffling Jeongwoo's hair. He was supposed to pat his head in order to wake him up. But he was ruffling his hair instead. He couldn't stop himself from doing it. If Haruto was to describe Jeongwoo's hair he'll say it's soft like a cotton.

Haruto ruffled Jeongwoo's hair for good 10 minute straight. He then realized what he was doing and removed his hand from Jeongwoo's hair and fixed his composure.

He tried to cough to gain Jeongwoo's attention but it was the same, nothing happened. Losing his cool, he shouted "PARK JEONGWOO" beside Jeongwoo's ear, enough for Jeongwoo to wake up.

Meanwhile Jeongwoo who was super drunk and got knocked off by the alcohol, got shocked and stood up with his trembling body and flushed cheeks.

'so he's drunk?' Haruto said to himself. A shade of crimson was visible on Haruto's face. He was intimidated by Jeongwoo's hooded eyes and flushed cheeks. Haruto doesn't know why he is loosing all his cool in front of Jeongwoo. The last time something like this happened was when he fell in love with her. He didn't want to accept it but he was falling in love once again. He promised to himself not to fall in love and experience the same heartbreak. He just love one person and it'll always be her.

Happy birthday to our precious boy Jeongjeongie 🤧 I'm already obsessed with this cover of his. From "When we were you" to this, he's still shinning the brightest among all stars. Something never change 😭

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