"I don't know!" I snapped at him, realising that I needed to leave.

I huffed going back into the lounge and stepping into my boots.

"Are you leaving?" Harry frowned, entering the lounge.

"Yes, maybe I'll see you tomorrow, yeah? I hope you feel better." I said quickly, wasting no time securing my boots on and going for the door.

"Um, alright. Bye Zayn." He said, sounding disappointed.

I stopped in the doorway, suddenly able to see it so clearly in my head. I could see the pain in Harry's eyes the day I left.

The tears streaming down his cheeks. I could hear his voice, and how he'd asked me to stay.

I could also feel the intense pain in my chest from the memory. I'd been such a fool.

"Are you okay?" Harry spoke up, not too far behind me.

I swallowed, turning around and looking at him a moment before I walked back to him, pulling him into my arms.

I hugged him tightly, never wanting to hurt or disappoint him again. All of the feelings that Harry gave me had been, and still were like a knoose around my neck.

Getting tighter and tighter, restricting me from so much, and interfering with everything.

I thought that by leaving, I'd be free. But I was wrong.

The only way I'd get relief was to admit these feelings, and get them off of my chest.

But that was easier thought than done.

"I'll call you tomorrow if you don't come in. I'll try and bring you something if you need it, yeah?" I asked, releasing him.

He looked at me, with a very noticeable blush on his cheeks. "Yeah, thanks."

I smiled at him, feeling almost overwhelmed.

"Alright, bye." I said quietly, making myself turn away from him and leave.

"Bye." He chuckled after me.

I smiled to myself, quite sure that I'd see him tomorrow.

"Who sings that song about the....crazy train?" Zayn asked me after I handed a customer their change and the CDs they'd purchased.

"Dunno." I shrugged, looking at the time and seeing that Luke and his mates would be here soon.

Tonight, I'd be responsible for three teenagers instead of one. I assumed that they'd entertain themselves though, so hopefully I wouldn't have much to do.

Just keep them fed, occupied, and in the flat.

"It's been bothering me." I heard Zayn mumble.

As I looked up from the cash register, I saw Niall entering the store.

"Hi Niall, have you got today off?" I asked, noticing that he wasn't wearing his uniform.

"Yeah, how are you?" He asked, stopping on the other side of the counter.

"I'm better, and you?" I smiled polielty.

"Fine." He chuckled quietly, blushing slightly.

"Um, are you busy tonight?" Niall asked after a short silence.

"I am, I'm looking after Luke and his mates." I nodded, watching the hope disappear from his eyes.

"Oh." He said, disappointment thick in his voice.

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