from the dead

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"Geto, Scar face, person who I have absolute no recollection of... why am I here?" You asked glaring externally.
Internally though, fuck yes. This is the most fun you've had in a while with Gojo being so clingy.


Three hours prior.


"In exchange for denying Satoru Gojo, it gives everyone else free access." Huh. He's popular, though you're a tad hurt you weren't given the same consideration.

"Iori, Gramps, get moving. Y/n stay here."

WHAT? I've been so bored these past few days! "No, I'm going." You stated with an air of finality.

"Fine, don't make me regret it." He rolled his eyes, once again throwing you over his shoulder. Your eyes narrowed. That easy? Suddenly, a wicked smile spread across Gojo's face.

He was thinking. Fuck no.
             Gojo thinking = bad.

"Y/n, you may want to hold on tight." He said looking towards the sky. Abruptly, the world started spinning and you were so high you could practically touch the clouds.

You felt like throwing up.

"Gojo. I will smother you in your sleep." You said looking down. While, it's true you aren't afraid of heights, you do happen to get dizzy easily.

"Fine. Fine. I have to care of a few things anyway." He claimed while teleporting?

Then, you were falling. It wasn't a nice realisation. Not one bit. Though, thankfully, you didn't land on the ground but into someone's arms. "Gojo?" You wondered aloud.

"Sorry to disappoint." Said an exceedingly grating voice.

"Do I know you? I'm not good with faces, especially ugly ones." You said plainly.

"You're funny." He laughed, as if I were joking. I wasn't.

"Yeah, so is your face." That was like the most seventh grader retort ever, please.

"Like I said, you're so funny. Let's go." He said forcefully dragging you by your sleeve.

"Where are we even going?" You asked curiously. That made scar face momentarily pause and start laughing again in absolute amusement.

"Wow. I can't believe Geto was right. You are one of us." You feel like that was a compliment, even so, you're felt vaguely offended for some reason.

What was he even talking about?

"Yeah. Thanks." You deadpanned.

"Anyway, are we gonna be doing anything interesting. Cause, if not..." You pointed a finger in Yuji's direction.

"Geto keeps on guessing correctly." He smiled, eyes glinting darkly.

"Is Geto a stalker?" You asked blowing hair out of your face, disinterested.

"More like an admirer." He replied as if stating a fact. Uhh... creepy. You shivered in disgust. At least Geto and scar face are decent looking... Thank God for small mercies.

You looked towards the sky for the second time that day and vowed to have a talk with them when they eventually drag you back 'home.'

"You're thinking too hard." Remarked the Smurf.

"At least I can think. Hey, who?" You muttered.

"Who what?

"Who asked." Really, seventh grader syndrome at it's finest.

sleeping beauty, jjk variousWhere stories live. Discover now