Skull mask

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"Please, you're just worried about impressing my sister." "I am not!" "Are too. Even though you guys broke up months ago!" "Oh your one to talk, I see you still drooling every time your eyes land on Nancy wheeler." "I do not drool!" "You sure about that?" "I think we should work on getting you someone new, someone who isn't my sister." "I don't want someone else." "Why not? My sister is old news, you don't want her. She's gross. You can do better." "Do you want me to slap you?" "Hey, I can talk about her however I want." "What even happened to you guys?" "It's a long story, alright? I'd rather not talk about it." "You women and your secrets. Robin punches Steve in the arm. "Ow!" They pull up to the school. "How do I look?" "Like you're trying too hard." Robin rolls her eyes and shuts the door.


Robin changes into her band uniform and sits next to the rest of the band while Steve makes his way to the bleachers with some girl. The cheerleaders all run out and Robin's eyes immediately search for Y/n. There she was, as beautiful as always. The cheerleaders cheer for the crowd and then all the players run out. Y/n sneaks a look at Robin, robin notices her staring and Y/n quickly turns away. "Woo!" Y/n and the rest of the cheerleaders cheer as Jason makes a basket.


"Imagine." Y/n laughs. "Hey so are you gonna be able to hang with us Saturday?" Kate asks on the other line. "Yeah, I'm off that day." "Speaking of, why are you working so late tonight?" "I'm saving for my own car." "Can't your parents just buy it? I mean they bought Steve's didn't they?" "Yeah, but that was before they wanted to teach us some sort of lesson or whatever all thanks to Steve." Kate laughs. "Well good luck with that." "I'll call you when I'm home." "Sounds good, bye." "Bye Kate." Y/n Hangs up the phone. A lady walks in and buys a book. "Ooh, nice choice. I love that book." "It's not for me, it's for my daughter. I hate that stuff." The woman says with disgust while snarling her nose. Y/n gives the woman a dirty look. And hands her the book and receipt. "Have a lovely night." Y/n says sarcastically. The woman ignores her and walks out. "Bitch." Y/n mumbles. "You know I don't like you working late shifts." Steve says as he enters the book store. "I didn't ask DAD." Steve rolls his eyes and walks over to the counter and leans on it. "It's not safe. Haven't you heard the weird shit happening around here lately? I don't like that you're working in shady side. A lot of shady shit happens here." Y/n laughs. "I'll be fine Steve, relax okay?" Steve sighs. And grabs a magazine from the rack next to the counter and flips through it. "You planning on staying here all night?" "Yep." Y/n rolls her eyes. "At least make yourself useful and go get some snacks form the vendign machine." "Fine, but only cause I'm starving." "Didn't you have dinner?" "Yeah, your point?" "You're fat." "So are you." Y/n sticks her tongue out and Steve does too. Steve walks off to the vendign machine. A few minutes later the door opens and the bell chimes. T/n lifts her head from her hand. "Welcome to-" Y/n looks around but doesn't see anyone. "Hello?" No one answers. "Steve?" Y/n gets out from behind the counter and checks by the door. "Weird..." y/n says to herself. Just as she turns around she jumps as someone is standing right there in a skull mask. "Shit, you scared me. That's not funny." The oerosn just stands there. "If you're not gonna buy a book the beat it." The person pulls out a knife. "Alright that's enough, get out." Y/n says. The person walks closer to Y/n. Y/n runs through the book shelves and hides behind one. The killer slowly approaches her hiding spot and tries to stab her but she throws a few books at them and runs to the door. "Steve!! Steve help!" The killer runs after her. Y/n runs into an store and hides. Y/n quietly and slowly crawls around looking for a weapon. She finally finds one but it's a damn prop. Y/n feels someone grab her hair and pull her over the counter. Y/n screams as loud as she can hoping Steve or anyone near will hear. "Help!!" Y/n kicks and punches the person as hard she can but the oeroan isn't even phased by it. It's like it didn't even bother them. Y/n manages to slip form their grip and runs out of the store. "Steve!! Help!!" The killer finally catches up to Y/n and starts to cut into her stomach. Luckily Steve shows up just in time and tackles the person. They fight back and forth until Steve manges to grab the knife and stab it through their mask deep enough to go through their face. "Y/n!" Steve runs over. Steve helps Y/n back to the store and calls the police. Y/n is taken to the hospital in one of the ambulances with Steve right next to her. Luckily the knife had barely entered her stomach because Steve had showed up just in time so her injuries weren't minor. She had a few stitches and was all set. "Y/n!" Robin runs over. "Holy shit Y/n, are you okay?" Kate and Simon run over. "What the hell happened?" Simon asks. "Some whacko attacked her. That's it. You're quitting that damn job and working at the video store with me and Robin, and you're not working anymore night shifts. End of discussion." Steve says. Y/n chuckles. Kate hugs Y/n gently. "I'm so glad you're okay." Robin observes the two girls, slight jealousy building up. Y/n turns toward Robin and hugs her. Robin smiles and hugs her back, stroking her hair gently. "Come on, let's go home." Steve says. "Do you guys know who did this?" Kate asks. "Cops said it was Ryan Torres?" Y/n says. "Holy shit." Simon says. "No way..." Kate says. "I'll see you guys this weekend. "What? No y/n you don't have to, I mean you were just attacked." Kate says. "I'm fine, just a few stitches. Nothing minor." Y/n smiles. "Are you sure you're cool to hang?" Simon asks. "Positive."


"I still can't believe he just attacked you?" Simon says. "It's shady side, people can seem normal one second then crazy the next." Kate shrugs. "I'm just thankful Steve was there." "Speaking of, what was he doing there anyway?" Kate Chuckles already knowing why. "Overprotective brother, that's why. And for once I'm thankful he's so overprotective." "Hell I'd be too, I mena if it wasn't for Steve you'd probably be-" "but she's not, so let's just change the subject." Kate says, cutting off Simon. After a few hours of hanging out Simon heads home and Kate turns to Y/n and smiles. "I'm so glad we're finally alone because now I can do this." Kate pulls Y/n close and kisses her passionatly. Y/n chuckles. "I'm so glad you're okay, when Steve called I swear my heart stopped beating for a sec." "Well I'm okay, so don't worry." Y/n smiles and kisses Kate again. "Sorry, I'm an idiot. Forgot my keys to that piece of sh-" Simon's mouth drops and then a huge smile appears on his face. "I FUCKING KNEW IT!" He yells. Kate and Y/n laugh. "How DARE you two not tell me about this? I thought we were best friends?" Simon says while putting his hand on his chest like he's hurt. "Well now you know." Y/n smiles. "I have wanted this since you two first met, I mean you were literally eye fucking each other!" Kate rolls her eyes. "We were NOT eye fucking!" Kate says. Y/n laughs. "Sure looked like it to me." Simon jumps over the couch and sits between them both. "Didn't you come in here for your keys?" Kate asks. "You're crazy if you think I'm leaving after THAT. You two are telling me EVERYTHING." Kate sighs.

A/n: Sorry for any mistakes, I haven't edited it yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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