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@ELIZABETHCAMPBELL  - did you miss me? Liked by @jaycampbell @landonorris and 1,374,490 others

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@ELIZABETHCAMPBELL  - did you miss me?
Liked by @jaycampbell @landonorris and 1,374,490 others.

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MARCH 3RD 2023

It felt as if the world had finally woken up. Nobody expected it nobody thought it would ever happen after 4 years of not even showing herself on social media. But Elizabeth Campbell finally posted on Instagram. The truth was, it was all a set up. She didn't want to post herself being present in Bahrain but unfortunately there was a reason behind it.

A few weeks ago, Elizabeth was asked to sign a fake dating contract to help her get back into the media without too many questions and assumptions and she herself decided this would be the best way to keep her private life secure.

But there was a catch. She wasn't allowed to know who she would be fake dating as her pr manager would worry she would back out the only information she had gotten was to head to Bahrain for the first race of the 2023 season.

She looked in shock at her pr manager hoping who she'd sign a contract to fake date, wasn't the person she hated most on the grid. Without thinking too much, she accepted the offer and before she knew it she was on a flight to Bahrain.

Aaliyah, Elizabeth's daughter would be staying with her Aunt Jay for the weekend while she and her best friend Lucy would be heading to the race.

"Lucy what have I gotten myself into?" she asks her best friend sitting next to her in the taxi. "The right thing babes remember this is to help you get back out there and the mystery man so it's all for good outcomes." She replied receiving a small smile from Liz.

The hot humidity hit the brits as they arrived in Bahrain, it was very hot indeed. "I'm so excited!" lucy says. "Yeah me too." Elizabeth replied sarcastically receiving a look from Lucy. "stop it's going to be fun!" She says as they make their way to their hotel.

The two of them spent their evening unpacking into their hotel room before heading off too sleep for Friday at the track the next day.

Morning arose the hot dessert country as they got ready this morning. Liz was messaged by her manager to meet at the entrance of the paddock, apparently she had one more document she needed to sign to start the contract, and she was meeting the mystery man today.

She had already assumed it was a driver, why else would she be in Bahrain in the first place?


It was Friday morning, me and Lucy had finished getting ready for quite a relaxing day at the track, I should know this I've been to races before, well a long time ago.

We arrived at the entrance 10 minutes later due to lots of traffic and saw Anthony my manager standing their waiting for me. "Your here finally!" He said putting his phone in his pocket. I nodded and replied "yeah sorry about it Tony lots of traffic on the way." "That's alright, are we ready to go settle the agreement officially?" He asked. I nodded and followed him to a nearby conference room.

We headed inside and I saw a figure already sitting in the room. His AirPods in his ear unaware that people had just walked in. I couldn't recognise him at first until he turned around.

"Lewis?" i said receiving a glare back from him too.
"Liz?" He said removing his AirPod from his right ear. I looked at him trying to recognise the man in front of me thinking maybe he'd changed, but all the thoughts from four years ago come rushing back, I look away taking my seat on the opposite side of him.

"Tony im not sure I can follow through with this." I saw placing my purse on the table. I feel Lewis's eyes on me, staring me down. "Don't you back out now, I'm saving your ass." Lewis says causing me to look him in the eyes. "You? Saving me?" I say. "How about the other way round? How many models have you been sleeping with since i disappeared?" I continue as I see his anger starting to rise. "Fuck off." He says looking away from me knowing inside I won that argument, I smirk to myself.

"Both of you please shut up." Tony says. "This is for both of your benefits, to help you Elizabeth get back into the world and Lewis to make you look as if you can do commitment." Tony says. "I don't think commitment is a word in his vocabulary." I say to Tony, Lewis death stares me.

"It is in my vocabulary Campbell just haven't found the right one." Lewis replies trying to control himself. "Enough" Tony says. "You just need to sign this last price of paper to finalise the contract, you won't have to see each other much just on race weekends and once or twice on non race weekends to keep the fans interested. This will help you both appear better to the public, helps Lewis's career and re starting yours too Elizabeth. It's only for 8 months until the season is over." Tony continues.

We all sit in silence, nobody shares a word. Lewis grabs his paper signs it quickly before dropping the pen. I do the same. "We done?" Lewis asks eager to leave the room. "Yes but before you leave can you both make up some ground rules to stick to? no fighting please." Tony says feeling exhausted as if dealing with two kids who can't control their emotions.

Me and Lewis nod in unison and Tony leaves the room. "Number one no physical touching." I say. "I have to Campbell we're supposed to be dating." Lewis says smirking. "As in not out of the agreement." I snap back. "Obviously not." Lewis responds. "Number 2 no calling or texting each other at all, if you need me don't call me, I won't be picking up especially for you" Lewis says as I keep my straight face and nod.

"Rule number 3 we don't hangout unless it's part of the agreement." I say. Lewis puts his hand out to shake but I swerve him before l leaving the room bag in hand.

He stares at me shocked but not surprised, I am not going to let him win this. But I did know, these next 8 months were going to be long and tough to say the least.

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