
18 6 18

X-Men - home, comfort, mutation, hot, James McAvoy, husband, stress relief, favourite, marvel, fit actors, best, amazing, CHERIK FOR LIFE, #hatemoira, first class is the best, young Charles Xavier >>>, iconic, best quotes, good good, go fuck yourself, drunk Charles is me on a daily basis, I am Logan, cry, laugh, scream, divorce, Cuba, 1962, Dark Phoenix is shit, comics, wattpad, telepath, apocalypse, German, 1973, sweet dreams, cassette tapes, kitchen, water, cigars, angel, school, my life, yellow and blue, Spandex, toad, lightning,  FiveColours04 , fangirling, 1983, bozo, my therapy, lazers, nightcrawler, family drama, best married couple, chess, the once and future king

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