Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 10

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Tydal nods. "I guess there is honor among thieves after all."

Zoro examines the prisoners with a sight smirk. "I guess so."

Just then, Tiff rushes past them. "Come on! Stop standing around! We've got to get to our ship before more forces arrive!"

"Right!" Tydal responds. 

Tydal and Zoro run after her, joining with the rest of the crew who are all dashing toward the ship.

"What's the plan after we get onboard?" Zoro wonders. 

"We'll take her back out to sea--just far enough to be away from danger." 

"And then what?"

Tydal glances toward the roof of the complex again. "And then...all we can do is watch and wait."

"What--we're not going to help them?!" Zoro protests.

Tydal looks to him with a stern expression. "I trust my captain. Don't you?"

Zoro thinks for a moment, then shares a confirming nod. "I do."

Meanwhile, on the roof of the complex, Luffy, Sky and Aiku stand ready for battle, as Fukitsu's aura giant looms over them. The luminous energy of the four powerful warriors pulsates through the sky, dispersing the clouds and vibrating the entire structure.

Fukitsu cackles as he observes his opponents. "Your confidence is foolish! I can feel your resolve crumbling before my might! Why don't you just give up now. Keep your honor. Save yourself the embarrassment of defeat."

Sky steps forward. "You're the one crumbling. Your fear is on full display with this monster you've created."

"You're afraid!" Aiku adds. 

Fukitsu laughs dismissively. "If that makes you feel better, by all means, believe it. But by the time this battle is over, you won't have a mind or body to feel anything at all. I assure you, it will be quick."

"Yes it will." Sky agrees confidently. 

As Sky begins to walk forward, his eyes filling with a blue glow, Luffy holds out an arm to stop him. "Hold up. I've got this."


Luffy keeps his eyes locked on Fukitsu, his stare deep and darkened. "That clown kept me locked in a bubble for too long. Now he's going to pay." He cracks his knuckles. 

"You sure?"

Luffy nods once, his gaze cold and fierce. He walks forward silently, winding his arms up.

Fukitsu cackles again. "Very well, boy! Come be my first casualty of the day!" He raises his arms into the air and bellows a mighty roar. His aura giant mimics this, it's voice booming over the ocean. The giant begins radiating with new aura energy, gathering power from Fukitsu. 

Luffy crouches into a fighting stance, his legs pumping, his body immediately glowing with a bright red sheen and releasing puffs of steam. He raises a thumb to his mouth. "Now...THIRD GEAR!" He leaps into the air as his body bulges rapidly. Both of his arms expand into massive balloons. "Armament hardening!" he calls out. Both of his gigantic fists are instantly cast in iron, the sunlight reflecting on the smooth surface. "ELEPHANT GATTLING!" he screams.

Fukitsu readies himself, smiling evilly and puffing out his chest. He throws his hands forward as the giant mimics his actions again. "GIANT AURA SHEILD!"

As Luffy screams and pummels the aura giant, the giant holds a strong shield of white energy in front of him, preventing Luffy from breaking through. Although Luffy's incredibly powerful strikes cause Fukitsu some concern, the giant is ultimately able to hold him back. Luffy seizes his attack and drops to the surface, panting and taking a moment to catch his breath.  

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