The Last Soul

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Crouching from within the leaves of a tree, I watch as Pierce picks up the last soul. Sooner or later, Noi, Leif and Rhys would try to claim it for themselves, then it would just be a waiting game for an opening.

Sure enough, Leif and Noi jump down from behind a tree. "Drop it." I hear Noi say.

 "That's right, drop it this way." Leif yells, getting ready for a fight.

"It's mine, I rightfully cornered it first." Noi shouts, and I let out a silent snort at their childish behaviour, you'd never believe that they're some of Asch's knights.

"You want to try me?" Leif threatens, "face me! I'm delivering it to his highness first." Noi shoots right back.

Now would be a perfect time to drop down, I muse, but Rhys was still out there somewhere, and I couldn't risk it. Better to have them all in one place and under my gaze.

I roll my purple eyes, twitch purple to be specific. My long black hair is tied into a low pony to keep it out of the way, my skin is lightly tanned, from what sunlight can get through Daemos's darkness.

 I'm dressed in my usual black skin tight fighter gear, —practical—instead of the extravagant things the other Daemos wear. I have my black jacket for storing any things I pick up. My purple horns, same colour as my eyes, curl behind me in a small half circle.

 They're smaller than normal Daemos horns, and far less annoying, and my magic is also limited to one genre, vines. I had to learn to do more with what limited magic I had.

"Petty, the both of you." Rhys says, finally here to join in on the fighting, all within sight. Good.

"It truly doesn't matter who delivers it, as long as it's me." Rhys finishes. 

Ominous, but he should have waited, I've always won the waiting game, and most times, it's paid off.

Pierce snorts "Catch." And throws it behind him. 

Quickly, I shoot out one of my vines from the palm of my hand, and neatly flick the soul into my waiting grasp. 

Simultaneously, the four Daemos look up to where I'm crouched. I give a mocking, sarcastic wave before swinging to the ground levelling the playing field.

"It's mine!" Noi exclaims, and runs towards me, daggers in a combat position. I step aside , dodging the swipe.

"Freeze." I hear Rhys say, just before a ball of ice whizzes between me and Noi, the soul goes flying out of my grasp and hovers nearby. 

Noi recovers first, runs for the soul, but gets kicked away by Pierce. Noi retaliates by kicking Pierce right back.

Rhys and Leif are off engaging in their own battle together. Walking over to the soul, I pick it up, right as a circle of flame engulfs me. Prince Asch.

 Reluctantly, I bow down on one knee, though I don't respect him whatsoever. Through my peripheral vision, I see the others do the same. 

I was never originally supposed to be one of Asch's knights, or even this high in the ranks. I was simply supposed to help the knights complete a mission for some money, I've always been a loner, finding small missions to do along the way.

But then, Asch decided to recruit me after seeing what I could do, and I'd agreed, no where else was this secure in safety and prosperity. 

"Your highness, I can explain." Rhys starts to say. "We had obtained the soul when it slipped from our grasp and-"

Pierce cut him off. "We had a delay." Just then, Lady Grandma decides to make an appearance. 

Mentally, like always, I laugh, who calls themselves Lady Grandma!?

"Is it hot in here, or is it just me?" Lady Grandma says flirtatiously, creepy old lady, can't deny that she knows her stuff though.

"Lady Grandma" Rhys says shocked, though either by her sudden appearance or her tone is unknown to me.

"Not now Grandmother." Asch says annoyed, he doesn't even try to hide his annoyance from his body language.

"Silence!" Lady Grandma shouts, shooting a scathing look at Asch. 

"When I was the queen of the land of Daemos I could have your tongue for speaking back at me." She spits. 

'Not anymore' I think. I don't dare say it out loud, I'm still not as trusted as the others, she might actually be able to go through with her threat.

"Why are you here?" Leif asks, bored of her nonsense.

 "That soul you boys and girl obtained, you need to take it to the alter, unharmed, or we won't be able to use it." Lady Grandma says.

Carefully, I wrap it up in a few soft vines, before slipping it into one of my many pockets. 

"I mean, the person killed to get it was harmed-ow!" Noi cries as he gets smacked with Lady Grandma's staff.

 "Don't speak ill of the dead." Lady Grandma's eyes grow livid.

"Now follow me, you'll be in the new world soon enough." Her tone of voice changes to something softer, as she walks off. 

We all follow, hoping that it was worth it.

A bit from both worlds (My Inner Demons oc insert)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant