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THE AUDIENCE clapped and roared with excitement, throwing items everywhere, hoping to catch her attention

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THE AUDIENCE clapped and roared with excitement, throwing items everywhere, hoping to catch her attention. Beads of sweat clouded their enchanted eyes as they watched the pink haired girls' movements.

Her melodic voice engulfed every part of their body as tears started building up in their eyes. This would be her last concert in a long time.

The new Japanese law had stated that every idol, under the age of 18, had to complete their studies in a proper Japanese school. They had instituted this, hoping to raise their already high literacy rate.

"EVERYONE!!" She panted into the mic, trying to steady her heavy breathing. Her members encouraged her every word, smiling like proud mom's.

"I will never forget all the memories I've made here in LOVE:ZONE" She paused for a moment, processing everything in front of her. The anticipated faces were grim with sadness.

"THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING" She bowed as low as she could, grasping the microphone tighter. 

The audience erupted into one more round of applause as her pink eyes beamed with a sense of pride.

Aeri, the member of the girl group, LOVE:ZONE had left to go her separate way.

"This is so not fair" [Name] slumped her head sideways on the table as she munched her cheerios. She was watching her goodbye performance for what seemed like the millionth time.

"That was Aeri, a seventeen year old idol" her mother set aside her cleaning rag and leaned against the counter. "And you are [Name], a seventeen year old high-schooler, who's about to be late if she doesn't get her ass up"

[Name] grumbled and finished her bowl of cereal, getting up to leave it in the sink. Her pink hair was neatly brushed through and tied behind. 

She hated to admit it, but even she had anxiety of starting a new life in a foreign place, despite performing for hoards of people.

Her new uniform was pretty enough, a black vest over a white shirt and a grey skirt. This was paired up with a red and white striped tie. 

She was a second year in Tokyo Metropolitan High school, centered in the heart of Shibuya. 

Being recognised wasn't going to be a problem, her group wasn't that famous. [Name] also suspected that the attention was shifted from her as soon as she left. 

"At least there's one thing that makes up for this" She whispered to herself as she grabbed her things and exited her house. 

The main reason she joined this school was because her childhood friend, 

Kozume Kenma

The kid who lived next door. 

As if on cue, he appeared right in front of her vision, standing right beside the fence. His mouth was stuffed with a dorayaki as his attention was completely focused on his PSP. 

She inwardly smiled, he was the same as always except that his hair was now highlighted. Both of them had immensely different personalities but maybe, that's what made them work.

"Kenma" She walked up to him, making him look up. He gave her a slight nod and waited for her to catch up. 

"Don't you think that you'll be recognised?" He swerved his head up, swallowing the rest of the dorayaki. 

"Well, my group isn't that famous so I'll be alright" She smiled, marching forwards. Still, as a precaution they had taken various routes from their house to avoid any suspicious people.

She walked slightly forward, her hands clenching her backpack. Right, let's do this. 

Kenma saw her move in front of his vision and momentarily, he forgot all about his game. Never had he seen a girl this pretty before.

There was no one prettier than her in this world. 

Kenma was sure of that. 

He started stretching his fingers in and out, trying to control his restlessness. He couldn't let her find out about it...

Eventually they had reached the steel gates of the school, wide open to allow them in. [Name] immediately swatted her eyes for the classes. 

"Looks like we're in different classes" She sighed as her hand dropped down to her side after scanning the list. There goes her plan of just having Kenma throughout the year.

"Tch" Kenma mumbled underneath his breath, his blonde hair clouding his hazy vision. He watched her figure, she was built just like his game character. 

Oh how he wished.

"Well this my stop" She stopped right before the class's door, bidding farewell to her companion. For a moment, she received no response from him as he stayed put.

"Yeah, I'll see you during lunch" He gave her a small smile, his hooded eyes brightening up ever so slightly. 

Giving a small glance at him, she took a deep breath as she stared at the bustling classroom. No one had seemed to recognise her yet, which was a good sign. 

Stepping carefully amongst the formed crowds, she found a desk right next to the window. It seemed vacant, so she decided to settle down there.

Her bangs felt a tiny breeze as she looked ahead to see the source. The boy in front of her was sitting backwards on his chair, his face on his palms.

His hair honestly looked like a rooster, so spiky and messy. He had the biggest Cheshire grin on him, as if [Name] was providing him entertainment just by being there.

"Hello...?" She asked curiously, watching him lean closer towards her. 

"Hmm...you're Aeri aren't you?" He scooted his chair, enjoying the confused expression on her face. 

"Umm who's that haha?" She nervously scratched her cheek with her finger. He did not buy her lie.

"Don't worry love, I'll keep your secret" He stopped the short introduction as the teacher walked in. She was thankful for him as now she didn't have to deal with this whole ordeal.

As Kuroo Tetsuro turned around, he couldn't help but chuckle. He loved how her eyebrows crinkled when he brought up her past. The words started to tune out in his brain.

The thought of having his favorite idol in front of him was just too 



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𝑴𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒂 [JJK x Haikyuu]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora