Chapter 11 - Double Trouble

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"I mean as much as I enjoyed it, I got some nasty consequences–" you started. Both girls looked at you, guilt replacing their features.

"What?" the chubby girl blurted.

"–but it was worth it!" you tried reassuring, resting your hand on her shoulders. "It really was, don't worry about me," you said, going over to your wardrobe.

"What happened? You're not getting expelled or anything, right?" Hannah asked, her eyebrows furrowing while she slumped on your bed, Susan doing the same.

"No! Absolutely not!" you laughed, picking out your pyjamas. "It's fine, I swear," you said, too exhausted to continue. You shot them a comforting smile. "I'm tired, though. We can talk about it later?"

Your two friends groaned and intentionally sprawled further on your bed. You rolled your eyes at them and changed behind a dressing screen.

"It's too early!" you heard Hannah complain, followed with a hum of agreement from the other girl.

"Oh stop it," you began. Done changing, you faced them. They glanced up at you and, before they could react, you threw a pillow at them.

"MOVE!" you yelled, laughing. The blonde yelped and Susan gasped, her hair flying in every direction possible.

And soon enough, a pillow fight ensued, leaving everyone breathless on their own bed.

"...Goodnight," Susan tried saying, only for you to giggle again. The blonde girl across the large room from you joined in the laughter.

"No, seriously, we need to– we need to sleep," the redhead tried to reason with you both, only to break out laughing again. You all continued talking about everything and nothing for another half hour, making it past 11:00 p.m.

"Hold on, you all listen to Muggle music, right?" Susan asked. This greatly attracted you and Hannah's attention.

"Merlin, I've been dying f'someone to ask this!" the blue-eyed girl groaned. "But really, who listens t'wizard music for fun?" she said with disgust.

"Wizard music is a thing?" you questioned, curiosity morphing on your face.

"It's awful," the girl on your left said, tucking in deeper in her bed. "Just thinking about it makes my skin crawl."

"You don't know wizard music?" Hannah asked. It was dark and you could not see her, but you knew she directed her question towards you.


"Lucky," she just said.

Eventually, the two girls fell asleep, leaving only you awake. You stared up at the ceiling, thinking.

It seemed like the whole world was against you being here, in Hogwarts, and honestly, you understood. You missed your family, your friends, and just people around you. Back in your universe, everything seemed to be working in harmony. You even began missing the people you hated, making you wince. In all seriousness, you knew you did not belong here. From Hermione, Ron and Harry ignoring you after meeting the Three-Headed dog, to almost getting expelled, you felt like you were an extra pawn on a chess board.

On the other hand, you also had two very good friends in the room with you, ready to support you no matter what. You might even have Neville, who had proved himself to be an extremely sweet boy. The trio gave you mixed feelings, though.

On that, you finally enjoyed a dreamless sleep.



The first thing you did as you arrived at the library with your girl friends was check your schedule, only to find something you dreaded written in big, bold letters:

It was beautiful || Hogwarts x Reader insertHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin