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Ross's POV:

"WHEW. That went great!"

My other band members agreed, shaking their heads wildly.

"But hey guys, I'm gonna hop in the dressing room shower and head out. I've gotta..friend..meeting".

They looked unconvinced.

"A 'friend meeting' at 9:15? Really Ross? We aren't stupid..you met a girl!"

Oh Ratliff. Clueless, clueless Ratliff.

"Yeah. Hit the nail on the head buddy. But anyways, I'll meet you guys at the hotel after k?"

Rydel spoke up this time.

"Okay Rossy! Don't forget we leave tomorrow around noon! Oh..and be safe, yeah?" She said with a wink.

God I hope nobody else noticed that.

"Hehe..yeah..no problem RyRy. See you tonight! Just go to sleep if I'm not back early!" Knowing full well I wouldn't be back before midnight, and knowing she wouldn't fall asleep till she got all the details.

I hit the shower, put on some black skinny jeans, Nike SB's, and a red shirt with a black sport coat. I looked good.

"Bye guys!"

I texted Dustin as I ran out the back door, and found him waiting in a sleek black Lexus sedan. It was beautiful. I love cars.

He got out, and opened the door for me. A few fans took pictures, but I didn't care. God, he was attractive, and a gentleman. Same thing I'd do for a girl..usually.

Dustin..looked different. Was he wearing something different? He was! A sport coat and dark black jeans, but a white shirt and white high-tops. His hair was even neater than before. Did he..get ready for me?

"Ready Rossy?" Dustin said, smile on his face.

"Yeah but what about Katie? How will she get home?"


I about shit myself.

She laughed from the back seat. The tinted windows hid her when I first got to the car.

"Sorry Ross. I just wanted to surprise you. Dustin rented me a TownCar to drive me home. Have fun on your date boys!"

"...oh, and Ross? If you hurt my best friend..I'll kill you!" She said with a smile. Well it's good to know our friends and family care enough to worry.

I chuckled and she got out and ran to a jet black Lincoln Town Car, where a driver was waiting to take her home.

"That was nice of you Dustin, but we could take her home.."

"No no. You have one more night here. I'm not gonna waste any time"

I liked this boy. A lot.

Dustin stepped on the gas, letting the car lurch forward. He obviously did some engine work. A boy after my own heart.

God. On the list of things I thought I'd never say, that's up there.

We drove for what seemed like a half hour. It was considerably shorter driving in a car than a tour bus.

We arrived in the now familiar Birmingham. We stopped in front of a commercial building with stores in the first floor, but nestled in between was a beautiful new restaurant with the words 'Cafe' Via' written in the stone above the outdoor hallway. The entire front and side were glass, revealing a shiny wood interior and waiters dressed in suits.

"Dustin you didn't have to go through all this for me!"

"Oh but I did, Rossy. I did"

And with that, he hopped out of the car, opened my door and let the valet take his car. He led me to the host, and gave him his last name. It was a gorgeous name. Ross Linos.

Wait what? I mean Dustin Linos. Dustin. Yeah. HE has a pretty last name.

The host smiled and let us to a table outside, right next to a beautiful two story granite fireplace. All the other tables were cleared out, and ours was dressed in a white tablecloth with a rose in the middle. It was amazing!

We ordered our dinner, and talked the entire night. He was an increasingly interesting guy.

After dinner, we sat by the fireplace. It was 11:30, and we had no intention of leaving quite yet. We were both sitting on the large mantle of the fireplace (assumably meant for sitting), and the fire brought out the gold in his blue eyes. God they were beautiful. The thing that made me a babbling idiot the second we met.

"What're you thinking about, Rossy?"

Dustin's words brought me out of my trance.


God that was corny. But he smiled. That means I said something right?

He chuckled at me.

"So earlier...were you about to kiss me, Dustin?"

Dustin's face lit up pink.

"Uhm..yeah..kinda..you were just so..cute..and I wanted to..I dunno. Sorry Ross"

His face looked sad. I didn't like sad Dustin.

I touched his face. Slid my fingers along his jaw line and picked his head up so his eyes met mine. I didn't even look around for fans or a camera..I didn't care.

Dustin was lost in thought. "So..Ross..what're you...thinking"


I kissed him. Not on the cheek. On the lips. Something that seemed so insignificant when I'd kissed a girl, seemed like the most important thing in the world right now.

His lips moved with mine. Perfectly. They belonged on mine. I felt like I was on fire. God damn what was this boy doing to me? And in public? But those thoughts melted away the second his tongue brushed over my bottom lip. I opened my mouth a bit more, letting his tongue meet mine, feeling the heat of the fire against one side of my face, and running my hand through his hair.



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