Yes, Baby, I'm Back

Start from the beginning

My hair looked like someone had washed and just styled it. I smell nice, too. My skin was ashen, my eyes had dark circles around them, and my lips looked cracked. I looked exhausted but felt energized. I took my shirt off and saw two holes in my torso. One was inches deep in my stomach and the other in my chest. I guess those are staying.

I put on a new shirt and pair of pants, then walked down the stairs as soon as Mike and Tré burst through the door. I screamed in surprise, and then both their heads snapped towards me. I hopped down the rest of the stairs and then jumped into their arms.

" are you-" Mike was about to question me, but I cut him off.

"An angel named Castiel helped me," I answered him, "Who knows that I am- was dead?"

"Us, Jefferson, Matt, and Foggy," Tré answered, "Oh, and the whole world."

"The whole world?!" I cried, "What-when, er, how-"

"Okay, the whole world was an exaggeration," Dad tried to calm me, "Just...people who are active news watchers."

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed, "I need to hurry up and tell everyone I'm alive!"

"Lillie, that's not a-." Mike tried to stop me, but I ignored him.

I barged into my room and searched for my phone. I found it on my desk. Someone must've moved it from inside to my room. I picked it up and dialed Jefferson's number. He picked it up on the first ring.

"Who the hell is this?" He snapped, "And how did you get Lillie's phone?"

"It's me!" I told him, "Jeff, come to my house! Now!"

"Lillie? How are you-"

"-okay, bye!"

I hung up and dialed Matt and Foggy's office phone number. A lady answered.

"Nelson and Murdock, how may I-"

"Is Matt and Foggy in the office?"

"Uh, yes? Who is this?"

"Please tell them to go to Lillie Joe's house. It's an emergency! Tell them to.
come now."

"That dead girl's house? Why would they-"

"Just tell them to go there! Okay, bye!"

As I waited for everyone to arrive at my place, I called Luna, Matthew, and Ash-Lynn, informing them that I was not dead. Matthew and Luna freely cried while on the phone with me, while Ash-Lynn tried to sound strong and give me encouraging words.

"Lillie!" My mom called from downstairs, "People are here for you."

"Coming!" I called and sprinted down the stairs.

Matt and Foggy stood in the doorway, breathless, as if they had ditched driving and just ran here. Joey handed them bottles of water as they tried to regain their breath.

"You guys good?" I chuckled.

Without looking up, Foggy stuck a thumb up in my direction. Once they regained their posture and breath, they smiled at me.

"Aah! A ghost doctor!" Foggy playfully screamed, picked me up, and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug that squeezed the oxygen out of my lungs.

"Yeah, I'm glad to see you, too, Foggy," I gasped, "but can you let me go before I die again?"

He laughed at me and put me down. I moved to hug Matt. He hugged me tightly, but not as tight as Foggy did. I felt his heart beating rapidly. I had a feeling he was trying to hold in his excitement.

"I heard your conversation with Foggy," I told him.

"When he said something about you not having the best judgment when beautiful women are involved."


"Then you were like, 'How would I even know if she's beautiful?'"

"Lillie Joe-"

"And it was so funny!"

"Lillie Joe, how did you hear that conversation?!"

"Oh! Well, after I died, I decided to go around saying goodbye to everyone. You guys and my- er, Jefferson were the only ones who didn't know I died."

Matt and Foggy smiled fondly at me. They pulled me in another hug before walking towards the door. Foggy pulled away and spoke, "We're so glad you're alright, Lillie. We'll see you soon, okay?"

"Okay, bye, guys!"

They waved and left.

"Lillie Joe, come eat!" Mom called from the kitchen.

I walked into the room and sat at the table next to Mike. He looked at me and smiled, "Hey, kiddo. How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine," I said, "cold, hungry, tired, and traumatized. But I'm fine."

Mike pulled me close to him, "We'll help you. I promise."

I rested my head on his shoulder as my mom gave me a plate of food and coffee.

"Thanks, Mom," I said, then started eating.

Dad and Tré entered the room and sat with us. Dad sat beside me, and Tré sat beside Mom, stealing food from my plate.

"Tré, I mean this in the most offensive way possible," I told him, "keep your grubby hands away from my food. I will not hesitate to cut your fingers off and feed them to you if you do this again."

He chuckled and rolled his eyes. I turned to my dad and jokingly said, "He thinks I won't."

Dad laughed and ruffled my hair, so I threatened him, too, "Dad, I mean this in the most offensive way possible: keep your grubby hands away from my hair. I will not hesitate to cut your fingers off and use them as a comb if you do it again."

Everyone started laughing as Dad and Tré apologized to me. Jacob and Joey entered the room and sat with us. Soon after, everyone forgot about the incident, and we returned to joking around. The only thing interrupting us was the doorbell.

I stood up, "I think that's Jefferson. I'll be right back."

Dad hurried to stand up, "Wait, wait! I'll come with you."

I decided not to protest. I knew that my dad was worried and terrified that something terrible would happen to me again. I allowed him to lead me to the door. He kept me behind him the whole time. He opened the door, and I was right about it being Jefferson.

I moved from behind my dad and shouted, "Jefferson!"

"Lillie Joe!" He picked me up and hugged me, "I was so fucking scared. How are you even here?"

"Magic," I answered casually.

"Magic truly is a wonder," Jefferson laughed and hugged me again.

WORDS: 1711

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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