Chapter 42

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Zenitsu and Inosuke stopped coming to the training. Inosuke wasn't used to losing, so he sulked and got angry. While Zenitsu just accepted his fate. Y/n and Tanjiro still went to help motivate Nezuko, and sometimes Nezuko would try going against Y/n (and lose to them).

Currently Nezuko was walking through a hallway soaking wet from the medicated tea. She was currently walking back to the room she shared with Zenitsu, Inosuke and Y/n and was deep in thought,
'Why can't I beat her? What are the differences between us? First off, our reaction speeds are completely different. On my best day I'd probably still lose.'

'And... her eyes...'
"I feel like her eyes are different"
"Uhm" one of the younger butterfly girls pulled on Nezukos' sleeve. All three of the girls looked up at Nezuko with worried facial expressions,
"Wagh! You scared me!" Nezuko properly turned around to face them,
"Sorry" they apologized,
"What's wrong?" Nezuko questioned.

The girls looked down awkwardly. Kiyo then passed Nezuko a towel,
"A towel..."
"Oh! Thank you! You're so nice!" The three girls smiled. Kiyo then spoke up,
"Uhm... Nezuko-San, do you do total concentration breathing 24 hours a day?" Nezuko looked at her with dotted eyes,
"Morning, afternoon, evening and night? Do you always do your full focus breath even when you're sleeping?".

Nezuko was fascinated by the new information she was given,
"No, I don't. How do I do that?"
"Being able to do that makes a world of difference"
"It's really tough to use total concentration breathing even for just a short time... to do that all day?" Nezuko sweat dropped,
"There are people who can already do it. Like all of the Hashira, Kanao-San and Y/n-San. You should give it a go!".

Nezuko smiled,
"Alright then! I'll go speak to Y/n and go give it a try! Thank you!".


It was later and Nezuko had spoke to Y/n to find out more information about total concentration breathing. She was now outside trying to learn how to do total concentration breathing,
'Breathing begins with the lungs. If my lungs are bad. I can't do anything. I'll get up earlier and run. And I'll practice holding my breath' Nezuko looked determined and went back to trying to do total concentration breathing.

Y/n, Kiyo, Sumi and Naho poked their heads around the corner to look at Nezuko,
"She seems determined" Y/n pointed out,
"Mhm" the girls agreed,
"Can I show Nezuko the gourds?" Y/n asked the trio,
"Sure! While you do that we can go make Nezuko-San some rice balls!" Y/n smiled,
"That's nice of you".


Y/n, Nezuko and the trio where currently sitting on the engawa. Y/n had brought over two gourds a small one and a slightly larger one. Nezuko was currently eating a rice ball which was made by the trio,
"Blow into the gourds?" Nezuko questioned,
"Yes. When Shinobu-Sama was training Kanao-San, she often made her blow into gourds" Kiyo explained.

"That's one interesting way to practice. Did you use these Y/n? Do they make a sound or something?" Y/n nodded their head,
"I did use these, but your not suppose to make a sound with them. Your suppose to burst the gourd" Y/n smiled,
"Huuuuuuh" Nezukos smiley face turned to a look of dread,

Nezuko gestured at the smallest gourd,
"Huh? Me? Burst this?! This hard thing?"
"Yeah. And since these are specially crafted gourds it's harder than the usual ones' Nezuko started freaking out,
"And as the training went on the gourds got bigger. Right now Kanao-San is working on..." Kiyo gestured to a gourd which was around the same size as Kiyo,
"This gourd".


It was a few days later, night time and Nezuko was sitting cross legged on the roof of the Butterfly Estate. She had gotten better at total concentration breathing. And was currently trying to focus on her breathing.

"Hello there"
"Huh?!" A voice spoke to the side of Nezuko which started her,
"You're trying hard there" Shinobu sat down on the roof next to Nezuko,
"Your two friends aside from Y/n have went off somewhere else. Aren't you lonely by yourself?"
"No! If I can do it, I can teach them how to do it too!" Nezuko grinned.

Shinobu smiled sweetly at Nezuko,
" have a beautiful soul there" the two then faced forward,
", why did you bring us to this place?" Nezuko turned to Shinobu,
"Because everyone officially recognized Tanjiro-San's existence. And you were all severly injured".

Shinobu then faced forward,
"Also... I thought I could entrust you with me dream"
"Yes, to get along with the demons. I'm sure you can achieve that" Nezuko turned to look at Shinobu, and Shinobu turned to look at Nezuko,
"Are you angry?" Shinobu's usually smiley face morphed into a expression of shock.

"Ah! I'm sorry... it's just that... before Tanjiro turned into a demon and my family was killed I was an older sister, so I felt like I had a responsibility to be strong in front of them and act like everything was alright" Nezuko then looked down at her hands,
"I just got the idea that you're in the same situation I was in...".

Shinobu also looked down,
"Well... I guess... you could say I'm angry" Shinobu had a sad expression displayed on her face as she looked down at her lap,
"From the moment my beloved big sister got slaughtered by demons. Every time I saw the tears of the people whose loved ones were taken away by demons, every time I heard their shrieks of despair, the anger inside of me continued to grow and get larger".

"I have repulsive feelings that I can't do anything about in the deepest part of my body. And I'm not sure the Hashira are similar. Now that they've seen Tanjiro who hasn't eaten any people, and sensed his true nature, I don't think... any of them will harm him. Also, because it's the master's will. Anyway... my sister was a kind person like you".

Nezuko had turned her head to look at Shinobu she had a sympathetic look on her face,
"She sympathized with demons and felt sorry for them even on the verge of her own death. U could never think about things like that. Have pity on those who killed people? That's just crazy talk. But if that was how my sister felt, I have to follow in her footsteps."
"But it's just... a little tiring".

"Demons tell nothing but lies to protect themselves. And there bare instruct is to kill people" Shinobu then stood up,
"Please do your best, Nezuko-Chan. Please protect Tanjiro-San to the very end. When I imagine you doing your best in my stead, I feel relieved. I feel much better about it" Shinobu then disappeared,
"I will do my best!..." Nezuko mumbled.


I'm going to go sleep now -︿-

Word Count: 1183

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