Bad girlz

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Picture is Miko at the beach.

Troublemaker: Who likes my picture?

Wreakingball: Miko why would you post a picture of yourself half naked on here

Troublemaker: wtf bro!?

Stealthcycle has logged on

Stealthcycle: O.O Woah

Wreakingball: right

Explotion: lay off the kid it's just a swimsuit

Stealthcycle: bad girl Miko

Techno-Organic: good job Miko

Prettykitty: I agree with you Airachnid

Stillnew: Who are you

Prettykitty: your worst nightmare

Stillnew: O.O

Prettykitty: >=)

Thelastprime: are you evil

Prettykitty: I'm a decepticon Wada you think

Thelastprime: O.O

Prettykitty: okay everyone needs to stop doing that.

Stillnew: doing what

Prettykitty: this O.O

Stillnew: O.O

Prettykitty: ugh

Troublemaker: tell me about it.

Prettykitty: ooh yeah Miko I love your swimsuit but plz find longer shorts.

Troublemaker has logged off.

Prettykitty: O.O

Warriorclassnow: you did what you told us not to do

Prettykitty: shut it

Thelastprime: *glances at a dizzy Arcee* Arcee did you have too much higher grade

Stealthcycle: I do what I want

Troublemaker: and you guys say I'm the bitchy one

Stealthcycle has logged off

Troublemaker has logged off


Okay that's it for today I know it's short but they will get longer

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