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Seeing the text messages, you felt weird, they were really that worried?

"I'm such a burden," You thought.

You had put your phone inside your bag, and went to the nurses office.

Surprisingly, Scaramouche was there too.

"How did that happen?" The nurse asked.

"You're here a bit late, those are infected." The nurse added.

"Sorry, I was sitting and my knees were rubbing against some sticks, stones, those stuff." You said.

Seemingly, Scaramouche recognized your voice.

"Alright, I'll need you to go home and go to a doctor to get it checked out. For now, here, sit on that bed." The nurse instructed, as she cleaned the scrapes with alcohol and put wrapped some clean cloth around both the knees.

"I think I'll be okay in my class-" You tried saying.

"No, I can't risk you falling, I'm calling someone to pick you up. Give me a parent's number." The nurse said.

You sat down.

"## ##### #####, is my mother's phone number." You said, as she noted it down.

"Alright, I'll inform the principal. Stay here until someone's here to pick you up." The nurse said.

You nodded, as you looked down at the floor.

It was awkward, to see Scaramouche.

And because of the alcohol, your scrapes were burning.

"Scara, are you okay?" Lumine asked.

Seemingly, she got permission to be let in.

Turns out, Scaramouche got a headache and fainted in class.

"Yeah, I am." Scaramouche responded.

You tried hiding your face so Lumine didn't see you were there.

"Will you be okay here? I really don't want to leave you, but they won't allow me to stay here." Lumine asked.

"I will, Lumine." Scaramouche responded.

"If you say so. If there's anything that you need, just ask for me to the lady." Lumine said, before leaving, as she planted a kiss on his cheek.

Both of you still didn't talk.

You tried resting your head on your own shoulder to try and get some rest, but it didn't work.

"Y/n, Scaramouche, Somebody's here to pick you both up," The nurse said.

She was holding both of yours' backpack and water bottle, which she handed to you.

"Thank you," You said.

Scaramouche said the same.

𝖯𝖱𝖨𝖲𝖳𝖨𝖭𝖤 𝖥𝖠𝖳𝖤 ── scaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now