Ch 14: 'Up All Night'

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Iida: "...I can't believe I fell behind with this Quirk...I'm a disgrace to my family..."

(Y/n): "Oh..."

The sight of Iida having a mid-life crisis at the age of 18 was definitely something you wouldn't expect. But for someone who took school life so seriously, I guess it shouldn't be too much of a surprise. Either way, Bakugo was sure to take it as such.

Bakugo: "BWAHAHAHA!! The extra got extra! You didn't even come in the top three!"

Iida: [Mutters to himself] "Maybe...Maybe I am an extra..."

Iida simply questioned reality itself as he looked down at his hands in defeat. Now, I'll admit, I was a little worried about him. But I soon found my gaze shifted back to Uraraka, who looked at the ground with a small smile as she dug her foot into the ground. I couldn't help but take a moment to smile at the adorable sight. For someone who was almost an adult in a few years, she sure had ways of acting like a kid. And if I'm being honest... I wasn't a bad sight to have in a dark world like that. Unfortunately for me, what was bad was being caught staring at a girl when you probably shouldn't be.

Uraraka: "What?" [Smiles] "Do I have something on my face?"

And just like that I was a broken record.

(Y/n): "U-Uh, what? No. No! Not at all! I-I was just looking at you because, uh...I-I don't know you...Y-You--"

Bakugo: "...This...This is what I live for..."

(Y/n)/Urarka: "Huh?"

It was at that moment that Uraraka and I turned to our left to see Bakugo's face inches from between our own. His goofy grin spread across his lips. The funny thing is, as annoying as this gets. I don't know whether I should thank him this time around for saving me from a wave of awkwardness. So I simply just decided to roll my eyes at him and Uraraka grew a blush. Something that only grew when Bakugo said something weird to her.

Bakugo: "So, O-Chocco...Got anything else to say to my boy besides just that he's awesome~ Huh~"

Uraraka: "U-Uh, what? Say something?" [Blushes madly] "Say something to (Y/n)? P-Pfft! As if, it's not like I--"

Bakugo: "Oh, come on~ Remember~ That thing I overheard you say at USJ?"

(Y/n): "Thing?" [Turns to Uraraka] "What thing? Everything alright?"

Immediately Uraraka's gaze snapped to my own, her face instantly turning red as she frantically looked around herself.

Uraraka: "Oh, um, yeah! E-Everything's fine! T-Totally fine!" [Glares at Bakugo] "Bakugo's just remembering things incorrectly."

(Y/n): "O...Kay?" [Glances between Bakugo and Uraraka] "I'm just gonna leave that here for you two too, um...Yeah..."

If I'm being honest, I could imagine a million things this weird turn of the conversation was leading too. I mean, Bakugo was Bakugo. He could have said anything to Uraraka which caused her to grow embarrassed. He had a bad habit of running his mouth, so, whatever it was, I just hope it didn't effect Uraraka too much. 

Speaking of Uraraka, however, when I turned back to glance at her, her entire body had come to a pause. Her gaze glued onto something random but not exactly focusing on it. It seemed like she was in deep thought. Stuck on a topic she didn't know whether to bring up or not. Little did I know what that exact topic was at this current time.

Uraraka: [Thoughts] "There's...There's no way I can tell him now, right? I mean, how awkward would that be? He just wins the race and I come up to him saying 'Hey, (Y/n), we've been friends for a while. But ever since you saved my life I've had this massive crush on you and I can't stop thinking about you'. I can't say that to him now...R-Right?"

𝘼𝙉𝙏𝙄-𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙊 [Dark Deku Male Reader X My Hero Academia Harem]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ