Mall Than Meets the Eye

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I don't know how long we've been in this room ever since we've woken up one day. Not only that, but me, and my Minicons (*Cough, cough* Children *Cough, cough*) have shrank than what we should be. But, I was fine with it as long as my Minicons were safe, and I remember my first question in my head: What's my name? I couldn't remember my name, but I remember my Minicons names; Rumble, Frenzy, Laserbeak, Ravage, Ratbat, and Buzzsaw, including everyone's names on both sides of the Great War on Cybertron, all except my name, and even my Minicons didn't even remember my name but knew who I was to them. In response, it was only logical to give myself a new name until I remember, and it would be my choice to either stay with my new name or go back to my old one.

Not only that, but there were four more bots back here as well. There was Kikmee, who can transform into a soccer ball; Bonz-eye, who can transform into a Bonzie tree; Dimlit, who can transform into a flashlight; and Clogstopper, who can transform into a... plunger? Weird. Considering that they didn't know much about life, it was only reasonable for me to be in charge of this group of misfits. I even told them how to defend themselves by saying that it was a way to 'play' around, just in case there is an intruder of some sort.

I was expecting this day to be like any other day, until one day.

3rd pov

In the Lost and Found, a burger transformed as he hopped out of a carboard box on the desk. "Well, that was a bizarre series of embarrassing events I never want to discuss. But now I can get back to... Wait..." He started, before realizing that he wasn't somewhere he was familiar with. "What is this awful place?" He asked out loud, looking around.

That was until a light flashed into his eyes, blinding him. Due to him being distracted, he didn't have enough to dodge a soccer ball from behind, knocking him down face-first. "Oh, come on! Who are you? And why all the-" He asked, dodging the blade of a katana slashing him before he was interrupted by getting hit with a plunger, getting squished into a computer screen. "-pain?" He wheezed, stumbling backwards and stepped on a button for a lamp.

The lamp light shined down onto four bots. "We're playing! We're just super excited to see someone new!" Kikmee exclaimed, shaking her arms up and down, showing her enthusiasm. "'Playing' isn't supposed to hurt." Burgertron stated with a glare. "Wait, what now?" Clogstopper asked, forgetting what this was all about. "Well, that's what C/n told us." Dimlit said, but he was ignored (#JusticeforDimlit).

That's when realization hit Burgertron in the face. "Whoa! I'm in the Lost and Found, you're the 'Lost Bots'!" He stated, his excitement replacing his annoyance. "No! ...Yes. Maybe? What's a Lost Bot?" Bonz-eye asked, confused.

"We've heard rumors about you, but I didn't think that they were true. When the Energon cloud hit and we all came to life, you were all stuck here. You probably don't even know about the rest of us in the mall!" Burgertron informed. "You are saying a lot of words, and I know some of them, but I'm getting confused by words like 'mall' and also 'think'." Dimlit stated.

"Okay, first of all, I'm Burgertron." The newcomer introduced. "Oooh! We have names too! I'm Dimlit." Dimlit said before he started the introductory, activating his flashlight, shining the light on the bots individually as he said their names. "That's Kikmee, Bonz-eye, and Clogstopper. And couldn't forget, C/n! Uh, sorry, can you move? You're in the way." He said, shinning the light at him. Burgertron moved out of the way and looked behind him; He jumped with a yelp as he just now realized that someone was right behind him.

The bot in question had an Ultramarine and white paintjob, a red stripe going all the way around their wrist areas, and had the features of a cassette player, with cassette tapes in his chest. But the most noticeable feature was his head; a face mask that shielded his nose and mouth, and a glowing, red visor that did show a barely visible outline of his eyes behind them, but he could feel his burning hot gaze barrel into him with a glare, either that or he just feeling nervous in this ominous bot's presence that popped out of nowhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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