At least Caraxes and Syrax will be together now. In the embrace of the fourteen flames.

"The court is dismissed."

She must've found her way back to her quarters. But she honestly doesn't remember her legs carrying her there. So she's must flown like her dragon used to. Before her wings were clipped and her eye was gouged.


"Are you here to gloat?" She screamed herself hoarse. Her hair was disheveled and she's almost sure she reeks like a tavern. She doesn't need any insults just to satisfy Alicent's petty revenge. But she hopes she makes them quickly and leaves her sight for good.

"Is that what you think I'm here? I'm truly disappointed in you Rhaenyra. We've known one other for a quarter of a century. But you still don't known a single thing about me." The self-proclaimed first lady of the court once again hides behind her cloak of righteousness. Doesn't she get tired of her own hypocrisy.

"I was blind to ever think you were my friend. You're nothing more than a lying snake. You seduced my father. Took advantage of him to advance your own ambitions. And now you've murdered my husband and might as well sealed my children's death." She heaved through her speech. Her mind might be addled with wine but she's never seen things more clearly. This is the woman who engineered the downfall of her family. Just like her duplicitous father. Two peas in an unholy pod.

Her stepmother - and how she detested even thinking of that fact - laughed as if hearing the drollest of comedies. Rhaenyra dreamt of dragging her to the hearth and burning her alive.

She made a show of trying to control her cackles. Tears were streaming down her face. Crocodile tears she must've used to gain sympathy from her pawns to rescue her from her 'plight'.

"I've thought you foolish before. And for that I must sincerely apologize. You are nothing of the sort." Alicent's faux confession barely lasted a second. Her eyes became those of pity. "You're insane."

How dare she?

"How romantic it must be to get trapped in a castle and made to squeeze out heirs. That's what you once said to me."

She remembers. It was the day Daemon returned from the Stepstones. A handsome hero who caught everyone's eye and stole their attention. Alicent looked like a lonely beaten up dog, so much so that Rhaenyra didn't antagonise her.

And look how that turned out. The very next day, the Queen accused her of adultery. She never deserved an ounce of kindness.

"That's how I lived. How Queen Aemma, Seven bless ber soul, lived. And every other higborn in the Seven kingdoms. Carrying on the line was the dynastic duty of both lords and ladies." She refused to listen to her drabble. She brought up her mother just to rub salt on her tender wound. Can she be anymore pathetic.

"But not you though? You were the exception. You were destined to reshape the whole fabric of our land. A new order."

When I'm Queen I'll create a new order.

Not if. When.

Damn her.

"What of it? You stand there all high and mighty, when you're the one who stopped me from bringing forth actual change to Westeros. At least I wanted something better for my children. You're a prisoner and refuse to ever break out."

"Your children. Thank you." Alicent jumped on her reply as if catching a trail of blood. "If you defend your bastards, it's righteous honorable conduct. Even at the cost of everyone else. But I'm suddenly the wretched demon for protecting mine."

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