Not a single soul spoke a word, but she heard a voice in her mind, with a clear melodic tone.

'In the heart of the fallen guardian, where dragons once roared, a reunion awaits. The flames of the past shall guide him to his destiny.'

Helaena felt a chill crawl up her spine, her heart quickening with both fear and purpose. The fallen guardian - the Dragon Pit itself - held the key to Daemon's intentions.

The dream changed in a blink. The princess was now in the air. Soaring above everything and everyone. Then out of the heavens, the Blood Wyrm descended like an angel of death. Fire and destruction followed in his trail.

No interpretation was needed for that piece of prohecy. This is a warning to prevent untold calamity.

As the vision faded, Helaena opened her eyes, her breath coming in shallow gasps. Cregan tried to coax her back into a more controlled pattern of exhaling and inhaling.

"The Dragon Pit. That's where Daemon's heading. I think Mysaria broke him out."

Matching clouds of silent seething echoed all around. Even Ragnar released a dark aura that bled into their bond. Aemond took the reins of the conversation.

"We need to devide and conquer. Cregan, you should leave Ned with Talya. If I know Larys, he would've already started executing possible spies. So our chance to find Mysaria soon will become slim to none." Her brother then turned Aegon with a resolute conviction. "You and I will head to the Pit. With any luck, Daemon hasn't gotten in. If not, Vhagar and Sunfyre will tear his dragon apart."


"And what am I supposed to do while you risk your lives? Stand by the fire and knit a cloak." It didn't matter that was, in fact, what she was doing that morning. Circumstances have changed.

"That's not what I meant, Helaena. This is dangerous. Daemon isn't worth jeopardizing your safety."

"I appreciate your concern. But don't you think I would also like a chance at retribution? You boys don't have a monopoly on righteous anger." She had no desire to fight for glory or fame. This was personal. As much as she repressed the shadowy aspect of her dreams, they were a part of her. And Daemon can't spend the rest of eternity terrorizing her from the grave.

"Are you certain, my love?" Cregan appeared to be debating with himself what to do. He wanted her safe. But he valued her opinion. She loved him more for it.

"I am. Please believe in me."

Her wolf nodded with a sad smile of acknowledgment. Aemond next to her seemed to have sobered up as she uttered her last word. Before leaving in a hurry. Aegon narrowed his eyes. "Kiss the fair prince and let's be on our way. The dragon is cranky."

No tact whatsoever.

Cregan cupped her face and they embraced. It was the right amount of passion and affection. Ragnar also demanded a kiss. She didn't use tongue that time.


Helaena's heart pounded in her chest as she urged Greyspider forward, the wind whipping through her silver-golden hair.

Beside her, both her brothers rode with a fierce determination. They were on a vital mission, racing against time to reach the Dragon Pit before their uncle did.

The desolation she witnessed may not be of his own doing. Prophecy was fickle like that. Only to be understood, after it's happened. But her family can never be safe with him raoming free. His sins are legion. And would only multiply if the throne is added into the equation.

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