Riona, her arms around her paramour's arm, looked at the bill. She became distraught toward the price, "How's that even possible for someone to pay that much yen!?"

Keito grabbed his wallet from the right pocket of his pants. He opened the wallet to find only coins. He frowned, "Damn..."

"Don't worry. Leave this to me!" Riona insisted. She grabbed her credit card from her purse and handed it to the receptionist.

The employee took the credit card and scanned it. However, that resulted in a buzz. He glanced at the screen that read, "Authorization error. Credit card canceled."

"This card is canceled," he informed.

The woman was in disbelief, "But that's my only credit card!"

"That's not my problem. If you are unable to pay your bill, you are not allowed to leave."

"W-Wait! I... uh... I remember now!" Riona exclaimed, "I have another credit card! It's still in my purse!"

"Be right back!" she hurriedly left the main lobby to go back to her hotel room.

Keito raised his eyebrow, wondering why she left in a hurry.

In the hotel room, Riona deeply sighed before she pulled out her smartphone from her purse. She turned the electronic device on. She dialed the number to call the person she reluctantly wished to talk to.

Once she pressed the call icon, she waited for the call to be picked up.

"Hello," Utage greeted.

Riona forced a smile and greeted back, "Hi there, sweetie! We hadn't talked since yesterday morning!"

"Indeed. We haven't," he responded indifferently.

'...Just do it,' she encouraged herself. Riona attempted to apologize, "I see. You're angry, and I am sorry. I should have not cheated on you. It was my mistake to make you feel bad and have an affair with another man."

"Right now," she swallowed her pride before she voiced, "I need your help."

"Help?" Utage repeated the last word.

His wife nodded, "Yes. I need your help of paying a bill at the hotel I'm staying at."

He queried, "Why are you staying at a hotel? You have your room at home.

Not wishing to risk of telling the truth, Riona told him, "Someone got lost, and I offered to assist them. We went to Snoozing Nights, the hotel I'm talking about, and stayed there. Right now, we have this bill to pay, and I do not have enough money to cover the cost of our stay."

"So, can you send me a picture of your credit card number?" she timidly asked.

It took seven seconds for her to wait until Utage answered with a sarcastic tone, "Riona, out of the romantic gestures you made to me, this is your biggest one. I congratulate you for having the idea to call me and make me pay a bill for a love hotel. I give you a round of applause for having the guts to continue your fling with your side guy. I'm very much impressed of what you're capable of doing behind my back. No wonder why my mother approves of you so much."

Riona became provoked by his words, "Utage, honey, I do not like to be angry with you. You are the light of my life, and I wish to not disrespect you further by repeating yesterday morning. So, please, help me. I do not have any money. I need you."

"If you don't have any money, get a job. If you still have that side guy with you, have him help you find a job," the call ended.

The fumed woman threw her phone on the bed. She stomped her feet in rage, "That good-for-nothing jackass! He has no right to order me around! Getting a job is a death sentence to me! I rather stay in this hotel than to get a job to pay for this shitty place!"

Unlikely Heroine (Volume 3) ― Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D'sWhere stories live. Discover now