act 5 - recess

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Luca assured, "Uh-uh. I'm fine."

Yusei told the twins, "I'll be seeing you two home today."

Jin commented, "That's a good idea."

Lua became excited, "Really!? Then, you should come sleep over at my house!"

"Everybody, listen!" the announcer caught the crowd's attention, "This concludes the heated first day of the tournament! And these will be your matchups for tomorrow's semifinals!"

The screen showed the two featured matchups: Yusei vs. Bommer and Aki vs. Koda.

"And on that note, today's excitement is left to be continued until further dueling tomorrow! Goodbye!" he bid farewell to the audience.

Lua thought, 'Tomorrow, Yusei will be fighting against that guy.'

The boy remembered his match against Bommer. The former had a hard time fighting the latter, for his opponent was very intimidating for Lua to beat, which resulted in him losing the competition.

Jin commented, "He's a formidable opponent."

Yusei agreed, "He is."

"Since it's a Riding Duel, I'm looking forward to what kind of D-Wheel Bommer's going to ride out on," he responded.

'His D-Wheel... I got it! If he knows about it in advance, Yusei might have the upper hand!' Lua thought.

His twin sister turned toward him. "What's wrong?"

Lua became flustered. He stood up and attempted to play dumb, "Eh? Um, nothing at all! Listen, you guys head home without me. I remembered something I have to do."

"What is it?" questioned Luca.

"Let's see, what was it again? I'll just have to remember that too!" he quickly replied before he ran away.

"Lua!" Luca's call for her brother didn't reach, for he already left, "Geez..."

Whilst the rest of the group were leaving the stadium, they headed into the corridors. Jin noticed that the group was missing someone. Just then, he was reminded of a certain outlander.

He questioned, "Where's Sekiguchi?"

The group halted, especially Yanagi.

"Wasn't she with us during Luca's duel?" Tenpei queried.

Jin answered, "Last time I checked, she had us take Lua to the infirmary."

Yanagi shook his head and corrected, "No. She wasn't there after we came back to the stands. I was the last person to see Seki-chan before she left the stadium early."

"She left early? What for?" the teal-haired man queried.

The concerned elder answered, "I don't know. When she left, she acted weird."

"Weird?" Luca didn't understand.

The concerned Yanagi elaborated, "In one second, she acted like her usual self, checking if Lua-kun was okay. In the next moment, she simply nodded and left."

Jin was surprised, "That is weird. It's unlike for Sekiguchi to act like that. She was all right throughout the whole day. What would make an upbeat girl like her change in a single day?"

Yusei theorized, 'Is it about her bad luck? No. She was fine. There was no stop sign, and she did recover from the other day. Then, it could be about Utage-san. She was worried about what happened to him since the Daimon Area incident. She must've wanted to check up on him after the tournament. But, we saw him earlier before we left. She seemed confident that he'd recover.'

Unlikely Heroine (Volume 3) ― Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D'sKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat