In the video, Yeager was standing in a dark, closed chamber.

He spoke, "I am sorry about this. Certain circumstances on our side caused us to request that you lose on purpose. And now, with us imposing on you, requesting that you fight again, like this..."

A mysterious figure within the shadows replied, "No, it's all right. The matter is unavoidable. I understand that dealing with any sort of situation is all part of our jobs as assassins."

The purple-haired male snicked, "Your dueling style involves being cool and composed right down to the very wire. And there is a certain duelist that we would appreciate you saving, using those abilities."

"Well, we shall see," the figure's face revealed to be a tranquil man with clothes of a scholar.

The young (Reader) became unnerved, "That guy is creepy."

Riyuka added, "You said it. People like him ring red flags."

"Red... flags?" the teen was confused.

"Bad signs. They're easy to miss," clarified Riyuka.

"Why are they easy to miss?"

"Because, (Reader), everyone has a hidden side, whether it be good or bad. It depends on the person, especially those above you or close to you."

"Do you have a hidden side, Riyuka-san?"

Riyuka nodded. She whispered, "Between you and me, I was a troublemaker when I was a kid."

The curious (Reader)'s eyes widen, "Really? Tell me! Tell me!"

"That will have to wait for another time," the caregiver responded.

"Okay...," (Reader) pouted before she paid attention to the anime, along with Riyuka.

In the present, in the anime world, the Fortune Cup event progressed in the Duel Stadium. At the arena, the announcer exclaimed, "Everybody! Yeah! We have an emergency on our hands! Event Sponsor Godwin has just made a surprising proposition!"

"Hey, all you loser who were regrettably defeated in the first round, are you listening to this? It's been determined that we will now be holding a consolation game!" he announced.

The excited Lua beamed, "Alright! I can duel again!"

Tenpei smiled, "That's great, Lua!"

"I'll win this time!"

Luca wasn't surprised by her twin brother's enthusiasm, "Oh, boy. There you go, Lua, getting carried away again."

'As much as I want to steer away from what's about to happen, I also want to see this episode through,' thought (Reader).

'Speaking of which...' (Reader) looked up at the lights. The lights of the arena were switched off, catching everyone's attention. The announcer shouted, "Yeah! Now we're about to announce the match up for the consolation game! The match will be conducted only by the randomly drawn set of players!"

The doubtful (Reader) didn't believe that the draw was random.

The announcer revealed, "And the person fortune has chosen was regrettably defeated by Contestant Bommer, but at the mere age of eleven, her skills have received Sponsor Godwin's seal of approval! She has promise that's simply soaring through the roof! The Dueling Angel from the Heavens! Ms. Luca-chan!"

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