A New Life

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Tsarskoe Selo, Russia, February 1915


The palace's ground floor was in a state of upheaval. Most of the servants had been relieved of their usual duties and were urgently assembled in the ballroom, their curiosity piqued but uncertain about what awaited them. Precisely at nine in the morning, Natalia and Irina, each holding their mother's hand, entered the room. They were met with a sea of bewildered and inquisitive gazes. The two young girls instinctively sought refuge behind their mother's flowing skirt, while she, in stark contrast, displayed unwavering composure. With a resolute voice, she stepped forward to address the assembly.

"As all of you are well aware, we find ourselves amidst extraordinarily challenging times. I understand that many among you have seen your sons and relatives depart for the frontlines. Regrettably, some of them have made the ultimate sacrifice."

As the final words left her lips, Natalia observed a few of the servants succumbing to tears, while others offered solace and support. The poignant scene etched itself deep into her memory, a reminder of the collective pain and loss endured. Though she didn't personally know the men and boys who had perished, she felt a profound connection to their grief. Her thoughts inevitably turned to her own brothers, who were far from home, risking their lives on the battlefield. The mere contemplation of such a fate for them was unbearable, causing her to tightly shut her eyes.

Meanwhile, her mother remained the epitome of poise and continued with her address.

"As you may be aware, many of our relatives have enlisted in the war effort. My own sons, Vladimir and Alexander, as well as the Grand Duke's son, Grand Duke Dmitri, are currently on the front lines, and within less than a week, the Grand Duke himself will join them."

A collective gasp swept through the ballroom, swiftly followed by a burst of applause and cheers. Several individuals in the assembly crossed themselves in a moment of prayer. The girls had already been informed of their father's impending departure the day before. Back in February, the family doctor had confirmed that their father's health had improved sufficiently for him to make a plea to the Tsar for the chance to serve in the war. He had shared this news with such genuine joy that Natalia and Irina found themselves unable to shed tears or implore him to stay.

"In light of these circumstances, I've made the decision to implement some changes to our daily routines. As time passes and the war rages on, it seems inappropriate to continue living in such opulence. Starting next week, we will, for the most part, be a family of three residing here, and I believe there's no need to maintain access to every room in the palace."

This time, murmurs among the servants took on a more solemn and concerned tone. Some began to voice their protests, citing their dependence on these jobs to support their families. Their mother attempted to calm them with a reassuring gesture.

"This does not mean, in any way, that your wages will be cut and no one will be dismissed. Your energy will simply be necessary for other endeavours."

"As I mentioned earlier, certain rooms will be temporarily closed until further notice. However, others will serve a different purpose, such as this ballroom," she declared. Pausing for a moment, she retrieved a letter from her pocket and displayed it to the assembled servants. "Last week, I received this communication from Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Alexandra. In it, she conveys that the influx of wounded soldiers arriving in Petersburg in recent weeks has been overwhelming. Traditional hospitals have struggled to accommodate them all, and as a result, the Empress has generously offered the Winter Palace's rooms to address this urgent need."

The atmosphere among the gathered servants shifted once more, with applause resonating throughout the chamber.

"In addition to providing space for our valiant heroes returning from the frontlines, the Empress has made it known that there is a shortage of bandages and warm clothing in the trenches. Fortunately, we are in a position to answer both of these requests," she continued, and at this point, a warm and reassuring smile graced her mother's countenance.

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