•Chapter 30•

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Nate had planned a surprise yacht tour for them. Third day on the Island of Palm Jumeirah deserved to be spent outside, enjoying the sea not siting in the villa. They had spent enough time not looking around so now they needed to move their asses for a day.

"Where are we actually going" Amara asked while getting ready. She had put on a white summer dress long enough that it kissed her ankles. The dress tied around her breasts. 

"Just get ready you have fifteen minutes" he replied from where he sat waiting for her. He was already dressed and all set while Amara was putting on make-up. She rolled her eyes at his reply. 

"Just give me a little hint"

"Amara Sullivan just get ready within fifteen minutes and prevent rolling your eyes. I can make these eyes roll in better ways" he warned. They eyes collided through the mirror, fire raging through both the pairs.

"Nathanial Sinclair stop being sassy"

"I would suggest you to stop being sassy" he cocked his eyebrow at the girl putting on blush.

"Are you threatening me?" she gave him a hard glare through the mirror and he pinned her with a glare of his own. She bounced in her seat beside Nate in their car. She was bubbling with excitement.

For the first time in eternity she was feeling the excitement. Her mind was clear and to be honest she was where, her heart always wanted her to be. With Nate. She was beside him as she had wished in Thailand, amidst the waves of pain.

The sun was bright and it was perfect day to spend outside but with every passing second it was getting warmer. When they reached the harbor sweat popped out of their pores.

"Nathanial Sinclair, are we going on a yacht?" she looked at the huge yacht sitting in front of them.

"Yes we are" she squealed in excitement. She didn't wait for him to follow along instead ran over the threshold and got on to the boat. Nate stopped talking to the captain and stared at her. A small smile tugged on his lips looking at her excitement.

She was nothing like the Amara Sullivan he knew, she was carefree, she was joyous, she was excited and she was expressive. For the first time he saw her so relaxed and he was happy he was the cause of it. 

But this was not the only reaction he got out of himself. He felt the strings of his heart tugging looking at the beauty. The smile on his lips was purely for her. 

He walked across the deck to get on to the yacht. When he was aboard the captain turned the engine and they started. Amara was not in the lounging area indoor instead she was outside on the dock.

It was hot but it looked like it didn't matter to her. She was happy out her, enjoying the salty air and sun. Nate stayed behind in the shade whilst looking at her. She was calm and contend. Fishing out a bottle of sunblock from her purse she lathered her skin with it.



"Help me putting sunblock on my back" he nodded and got up from his seat and walked over to her. He squeezed the liquid on his palm and rubbed it on his palms before he started applying it on her exposed back.

His hands moved to smooth it over her skin properly and then his hands dipped inside her shirt. She sucked a deep breath as his hands moved all over her back, slowly tugging up the fabric, exposing her to the sunlight.

Words stuck on her lips and same thing happened to him. Her soft skin beneath his hands was addicting. He didn't stop massaging the length of her back, instead pulling out of her shirt he moved his hands over her thighs. 

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