The Hero of Truth and the Hero of Ideals

Start from the beginning

"What are you referring to?"

"Do not act ignorant, Blaiz. I want commands from your Blazing Form. Your crueler self."

Blaiz attempts to trick the dragon into thinking she didn't know, but was swiftly shut down. Blaiz really does not want to even acknowledge the existence of her other self, as she sees it in disdain and disgust. And yet, Reshiram is asking her to let it out willingly. Why? No good comes from having her be in charge of anything, much less a fight. Her commands would be messy, unreasonable, and worst of all unplanned. There should be nothing good coming from allowing her to take over, so why does the dragon ask for it?

"I refuse. I cannot let that vile creature take control of any type of battle. It's existence is nothing more than a mistake, and it's methods are simply repulsive. I mustn't throw away my ability to win this battle because that thing wants to give outrageous commands. It would simply be unreasonable."

Blaiz states clearly and concisely why she will not allow her Blazing Form control of this fight.

"Unreasonable? What about this situation is reasonable? You were murdered months ago, and yet here you stand. You were revived by Arceus itself, making you a walking corpse with three versions of yourself, what about that is reasonable? Regardless of how unreasonable those events are, that is what happened. The truth is unreasonable at times, the truth is unpredictable at times, the truth is cruel at times, and yet it stays the truth. Your Blazing Form is just as much a Hero of Truth as your Freezing Form, so why won't you let it fight?"

Reshiram's words cut deep into Blaiz. She never thought about her Blazing Form like that, no, rather she refused to think of her Blazing Form like that. Though what really got to Blaiz was what Reshiram said about her three selves. There was a third? Ever since she was revived, she only thought she had two different selves: her cold, calculated, reasonable self, the Freezing Form, and her violent, cruel, unpredictable self, the Blazing Form. Blaiz never knew of a third form, so how does Reshiram know?

"I- even if my other form is the correct choice in this situation, I'm not able to willingly call it out."

Just as the words escape Blaiz's mouth, a phrase appears in her head. It's like a gut feeling that that phrase is something she needs to say, and she just instinctively knows it's important. Even her reason vanishes, as she places full trust in these words. She doesn't understand why, she just knows it's the right thing to say.

The boy watches the two, hearing every word of their conversation. He is incredibly shocked, and it is extremely noticeable. He knew that she could've had his ability, but he didn't expect to see it manifest on such short notice. 

"N! What's going on? What is the girl saying? You look like you know something I don't!"

The man behind the boy calls out to him, having noticed how visibly shocked he was.

"She... she's talking to Reshiram, as I do Zekrom."

N states, almost not even believing his own words. That is nothing compared to the surprise of his father, who looks extremely afraid now. The man retreats further away from the battle out of cowardice. Almost immediately after N and the man's short exchange, Blaiz speaks from across their arena.

"...but you didn't think that I'd come back to life."

This phrase was all that was needed to change something in Blaiz. She falls to the floor, barely catching herself with her arms. She stays on the floor for about fifteen seconds, as all parties except for Reshiram and Zekrom, watch on in horror. Once Blaiz regains her strength, she starts to stand up, but her movements are extremely unnatural. As she rises, her joints move irregularly, snapping into the places they need to be, her bones audibly crack as her body raises itself in a horrific manner, twisting her limbs in odd positions as she rises from the ground. Once Blaiz finishes picking herself back up, she hunches over, as her head looks up at Reshiram in one incredibly sharp, quick movement. This is a different Blaiz, this is clearly not the same composed, intimidating Blaiz that was talking earlier. This Blaiz has an incredibly menacing aura around her, showing that all restraints have been removed. To top it off, her eyes begin to glow yellow, signaling the activation of her Battle Bond. N can sense how dangerous Blaiz is even when he has Zekrom on his side. Blaiz finally breaks the menacing atmosphere by yelling a command.


Reshiram does so swiftly charging and firing a massive fireball that is his signature move, dealing a decent amount of damage to Zekrom. N, knowing Fusion Bolt's effect, decides to call out to his Zekrom.

"Zekrom, use Fusion Bolt!"

Zekrom charges an incredibly powerful attack, already bolstered by Blaiz's use of Fusion Flare.


To N's shock, Blaiz shatters any time he could've had to attack by quickly calling two more Fusion Flares. Reshiram obliges, quickly charging and firing two Fusion Flares at once, dealing great damage to Zekrom.


N doesn't even get time to shout a command as Reshiram charges and fires three Fusion Flares in quick succession. It takes at least 5 minutes for all of the fire to die down, but N nor Blaiz make any more commands.

Both of them know that when that fire dissipates, all they will see is Zekrom on the ground, fainted.

Blaiz's question had finally been answered, but really her question was answered the moment Reshiram emerged from the Light Stone, she just didn't recognize it until now.

Blaiz is a hero of the truth, and all forms of the truth. Whether is be cold, reasonable, and easy to understand, or violent, unpredictable, and cruel.

That is Blaiz's truth.

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