Unusually, Mr. Kim decided to leave early, perplexing Jungkook as to why they were leaving ahead of schedule.

As both of them got into the car, Jungkook took the driver's seat and began to drive.

Along the way, Mr. Kim instructed Jungkook to take the car to a specific club called "XXX."

Although Jungkook felt a bit confused by this request, he chose not to question it and followed Mr. Kim's instructions, bringing the car to the club as directed.

Jungkook parked the car outside xxx club, and they both got out.

"Mr. Kim, can I ask what we're doing here?" Jungkook questioned while looking at the club's building.

"Actually, we came here for a collaboration meeting with my friend, Mr. Lee," Mr. Kim replied as he started to walk, with Jungkook following him.

They both entered the club and noticed that Mr. Lee was already inside, accompanied by other people who were likely there for the meeting as well.

Mr. Kim and Mr. Lee greeted each other, and Mr. Lee offered Jungkook and Mr. Kim a seat, which they accepted.

As the conversation about collaboration continued, Jungkook began to feel bored.

Being younger than both Mr. Kim and Mr. Lee, their discussion didn't really interest him.

Additionally, Jungkook's involvement in Mr. Kim's business was minimal, so he didn't have much to contribute to the meeting.

Feeling restless, Jungkook decided to head to the bar to have some drinks while waiting for them to finish their meeting.

Jungkook excused himself and made his way to the bar, ordering some drinks from the bartender.

As he sipped his drink, he scanned the club, observing the lively atmosphere.

Lost in his own thoughts, Jungkook's attention was caught by a girl who stood in front of him.

She was wearing a very short skirt and her outfit revealed a considerable amount of cleavage.

The girl had long hair and had applied makeup to her face.

She smiled at Jungkook, holding a small bag in her hands.

"What can I get you?" Jungkook asked, eyeing the girl as she approached him.

"Care for a drink?" The girl replied, taking a seat next to him and ordering drinks from the bartender.

Jungkook couldn't help but stare at her, captivated by her presence.

As they both started drinking, the girl initiated a conversation, engaging in flirtatious banter.

Jungkook, being comfortable with flirting, reciprocated her advances.

When the girl realized that Jungkook is a pervert, she has discovered tonight's stand.

The girl quickly chatted seductively while sitting on the jungkook's lap.

Jungkook instantly encircled her waist with his arms.

She was perched on Jungkook's undergarment m3mber.

"Wanna have some fun tonight with me, Daddy?" While kissing his cheeks, the girl questioned him seductively.

Jungkook bit his bottom lip as he leaned in closer, his body pressing against hers.

"Why aren't you replying? Don't you want to taste me, Daddy?" she asked, looking directly into his eyes.

Jungkook smirked as he connected their lips, wrapping his hands around her waist tightly.

"JUNGKOOK!", Jungkook was about to move in for another kiss, but Mr. Kim's yell startled him.

He quickly pulled away, seeing Mr. Kim glaring at them.

"What's going on here?" Mr. Kim asked firmly, his gaze fixed on the girl who was getting off of Jungkook's lap.

"Actually, we were just-"

"I'm not asking you," Mr. Kim interrupted, silencing Jungkook.

"Stay away from my son," Mr. Kim said, his tone more threatening.

The girl nodded quickly and hastily left.

Jungkook watched her go, feeling a mix of disappointment and resignation.

"Jungkook!" Jungkook was interrupted by his father's stern voice, turning his attention towards him.

"Can we go home?" Mr. Kim asked, and Jungkook quickly nodded, getting up from his seat.

The two of them left the club and got into the car.

Mr. Kim started driving, while Jungkook sat in the passenger seat, gazing out of the window.


"That girl is trouble. She frequents this club every night, looking to make money by sleeping with someone," Mr. Kim explained, his focus still on the road.

"Never fall into the trap of girls like her, they can leave you penniless," Mr. Kim continued, his words filled with caution.

"Every time I come to this club for any business meeting, she's always seen with different boys." Mr. Kim kept talking, but Jungkook wasn't really listening or paying attention.

He was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol, getting lost in his own thoughts as he stared out of the window. The cold wind brushing against his skin made him smile uncontrollably, almost like a madman.


Soon, Mr. Kim stopped the car outside their house.

He stepped out of the car and saw Jungkook struggling to get out.

"Let's go inside," Mr. Kim said, beginning to walk, but he immediately stopped when he noticed Jungkook's unsteady gait.

"Hey!" Mr. Kim hurriedly went to Jungkook's side and caught him before he could fall.

"I'm sure that girl must have pressured you into drinking more," Mr. Kim said, placing Jungkook's hand on his shoulder and guiding him towards the house.

They both reached the living room.

"Can you walk, or should I take you upstairs to the room?" Mr. Kim asked.

Jungkook didn't reply; instead, he removed his hands from Mr. Kim's shoulder and began walking toward the stairs.

"Jungkook, wait. I'll take you upstairs," Mr. Kim said, approaching him.

"Nah... no, I'm o-okay," Jungkook interrupted, stopping Mr. Kim from touching him.

"Well, then, go carefully. Good night," Mr. Kim said, staying there until Jungkook made it upstairs.

Mr. Kim went to his room, which was in the corner.

Meanwhile, Jungkook was walking, struggling to maintain his body balance.

He headed towards Taehyung's bedroom and opened the door.

Inside, Jungkook saw Taehyung sleeping peacefully.

A smile formed on Jungkook's face as he approached the bed, taking off his shoes.

Eventually, Jungkook climbed onto the bed.


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Bye see u soon ...

Step Brother | Taekook ( 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝 ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now