To complicate matters further, the possibility of being a Gilbert, Elena's family member, was both intriguing and daunting.

After running his hands through his soft hair and collecting his thoughts, Elias headed to the bathroom to prepare for the day ahead. The familiarity of his clothes in the closet was a reassuring surprise, allowing him to get dressed quickly. 

Just as he was finishing, a knock on his door drew his attention, and he hurried to open it, revealing Aunt Jenna standing there with a warm smile. 

She handed him a piece of paper, and Elias returned the smile, saying, "Good morning, Aunt Jenna," as he accepted the paper.

Aunt Jenna's smile seemed to brighten at his words, confirming Elias's hunch that he was indeed a Gilbert. As he looked down at the paper, he realized it was his school schedule. At least he wouldn't be entirely clueless at school, which was a relief.

"Elias, Bonnie's outside!" Aunt Jenna's announcement spurred him into action. He could hear Elena's voice downstairs, so Elias rushed into his room to grab his bag before making his way downstairs to find Elena waiting by the door.

"Let's go," she called out softly.

Once inside the car, Bonnie turned to Elias and greeted him with a warm smile. "Good morning, Elias."

"Morning, Bonnie," Elias replied with a friendly smile, settling into the car.

Bonnie launched into a spirited monologue, her words tumbling out as she recounted Grams' claim that she was psychic due to their Salem witch ancestry. 

Elias couldn't help but smile slightly, recognizing this as the very first episode. It meant he had the opportunity to prepare for everything that would unfold.

"Back in the car," Bonnie said, snapping Elena out of her momentary zoning out.

Elena sighed, realizing her distraction. "I did it again, didn't I? I—I'm sorry, Bonnie. You were telling me that..."

"That I'm psychic now," Bonnie finished with a hint of playful seriousness.

"Right. Okay, then predict something. About me and Elias," Elena encouraged Bonnie.

"I see..." Bonnie began to play along, but before she could finish, a crow suddenly collided with the car, causing both Elena and Elias to momentarily freeze in surprise.

"What was that?! Oh, my god! Elena, Elias, are you okay?" Bonnie asked, her concern evident as she turned around to check on them.

Elias reassured her, "It's okay. We're fine."

Bonnie tried to explain, "It was like a bird or something. It came out of nowhere."

Elena, ever pragmatic, chimed in, "Really, we can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of our lives."

After a brief sigh, Bonnie offered a prediction, "I predict this year is going to be kick-ass. And I predict all the sad and dark times are over, and you guys are going to be beyond happy." Her words carried a sense of optimism that was both comforting and intriguing.


Elena's frustration was evident as she began to speak, her tone tinged with exasperation. "He hates me," she said.

Bonnie, never one to miss an opportunity for sarcasm, responded with a wry smile, her words dripping with mockery. "That's not hate. That's 'you dumped me, but I'm too cool to show it, but secretly I'm listening to Air Supply's greatest hits.'"

As they walked together, Elias remained silent, but an unusual sensation washed over him as he entered the school building. It was a peculiar, fuzzy feeling, yet strangely pleasant. Nevertheless, his heart ached with an inexplicable emotion.

Out of nowhere, Caroline appeared, bursting with exuberance as she greeted Elena and Elias. "Elena, Elias! Oh, my god!" She enveloped them both in a warm hug.

"How are you? It's so good to see you. How are they? Are they good?" Caroline's excitement was palpable as she fired off her questions.

Elena, struggling to maintain her composure, responded, "Caroline, we're right here. And we're fine. Thank you."

Caroline persisted, pulling them into another tight hug. "Really?"

"Yes, much better," Elena assured her.

Caroline expressed sympathy, continuing to hug them. "Oh, you poor thing."

Elias, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the affectionate onslaught, gently tried to disengage. "Okay, Caroline."

Finally getting the hint, Caroline said, "Oh! Okay, see you guys later?"

Bonnie chimed in, "OK! Bye!"

Elena couldn't resist making a small comment, "No comment."

Bonnie nodded in agreement, adding, "I'm not going to say anything."

As they continued down the hallway, their curiosity was piqued when Bonnie spotted a stranger near the school office. She couldn't help but ask, "Hold up. Who's this?"

Elena, always quick with a quip, remarked, "All I see is a back."

Bonnie's tone took on an appreciative note, "It's a hot back."

Elias, who had been experiencing that strange feeling again, looked up and found it intensifying. He couldn't quite understand why he was reacting this way to Stefan Salvatore.

Bonnie, never one to miss an opportunity to playfully embrace her psychic inclinations, chimed in, "I'm sensing Seattle, and he plays the guitar."

Elena couldn't help but tease her friend, saying, "You're really going to run this whole psychic thing into the ground, huh?"

Bonnie's response was succinct, "Pretty much."

Just as Elena excused herself suddenly, Bonnie couldn't help but hope for something exciting, muttering under her breath, "Please be hot."

Elias felt an inexplicable compulsion to remain still as he watched Stefan exit the office and scan the crowd, clearly searching for someone. Panic flickered across Stefan's face until his gaze locked onto Elias.

For a brief moment, the two locked eyes, a strange tension hanging in the air, until Bonnie nudged Elias, breaking the spell.

Elias scanned the area once more, his gaze darting around in search of Stefan, but to his surprise, Stefan had vanished into thin air. A deep sigh escaped Elias's lips, something was undeniably different about this.


𝑨𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒔𝒎 - 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑽𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝑫𝒊𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now