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Fear (noun) : an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger , pain , or harm.

Shay's P.O.V

Maybe it was the sudden shock , or maybe it was the fear , but either way my legs were paralyzed as i tried to run after my mother , who was holding my brother's hand and holding my older sister to her chest , as she cried and begged me to move.

The only movement that my body functioned was closing my eyes and pinching my left arm hoping that it was all a dream , but no , everything was real , my mom , my sister Eva , and my brother Cameron were crying and begging me to move , but their cries were nothing compared to the sound of the explosions and gun shots mixed with people's cries and prays outside.

I wanted to run , cry , scream and hold my family telling them that everything was going to be okay , but instead , i stood still in my room , the book i was reading on the ground , next to my phone and headphones. My brother left mom's side and ran towards me "are you insane? why aren't you moving? we're gonna die"he cried shaking my shoulders making his forehead veins appear "Shay for god's sake , run"he yelled in my face , i tried to move my legs , my hands , but nothing , suddenly a big explosion was heard and the floor started shaking even more as i was pushed to the ground , Cameron hid me beneath him and wrapped his arms around me "oh god"he sobbed , his hot tears falling on my shoulder.

I felt like i was finally awake as i moved from beneath Cameron to see what happened , my bedroom roof was gone and was replaced by a huge hole as the room is now completely on fire , i weakly ran towards mom and Eva as i wrapped my arms around Cameron's shaking body "we have to get out of here now"My mom yelled trying to make her voice clear "We can't go to the front door , The living room is totally on fire"Eva cried and clung to mom's arms even more "T-the backdoor"i managed to spit, mom nodded and ran towards the stairs

"careful" Cameron yelled as he took a wooden stick that was half burned from the ground and pushed the piece of clothe that looks like a fire flame in front of mom's bare foot , he reached for my embrace again but held me tighter this time. I winced as the burning flames burned my skin , i tried holding back my tears and weakness as i squeezed Cameron's bare shoulder. We reached the kitchen where the back door is located "i can't see anything" Eva coughed , the smoke filled my lungs as i coughed and tried to adjust my vision and find the door "right there"Mom yelled

Cameron and i moved behind mom as she tried to open the door "it wont open"she cried "why the hell not?"Cameron yelled ,his voice shaking from fear "it's locked"she replied "oh my god"Eva shook her head "we're gonna die , i don't want to die"she cried and tugged at her hair roots "where are the keys?"i asked and my mom's head snapped towards me "upstairs"she said "i'm gonna go get it"i let go of Cameron's shaking body "no please don't"he cried "we'll find another way , please"he held my hand "listen ,Cameron, i'm going to be really quick , you'll stay here with mom and Eva , w- we don't have much time"i quickly kissed his wet cheeks and ran towards the stairs.

I quickly yet carefully ran towards mom room , i tripped as i entered the room and fell on my face , i cursed under my breath and as my face landed on a sharp object scratching my burning skin , i placed my palms on the floor and pushed myself up , my hands went immediately towards my now bleeding cheek , i closed my eyes as i felt small pieces of what feels like glass on the small but deep cut , i ignored the pain and walked towards the drawers , i searched in all of them but didn't find any key.

I sighed fast and turned around , the cries and the screams of people were making me fear going outside and see what's happening , but staying in the now wrecked house which is full of fire and smoke isn't an option "please ,be there"i shakily yelled as i opened mom's closet , i searched in her blazer pocket where she usually put someone money for emergencies "please"i whispered to myself, i screamed in frustration after not finding the keys

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