‘Did you know that Meen has successfully applied for MIT?’

Ping nodded, ‘Yes.’

‘Did you know he had decided not to go?’

Ping stared at him and said, ‘No?’

Uncle Porsch picked up his coffee and took a sip, 

‘You don't seem to know, so you certainly didn’t know that he didn't go because of you?’

In his tone, Ping could not tell whether he was critical. So he had to suppress the shock of the news and said a little incoherently, 

‘We...haven't discussed this yet. I think that...He will go.’

Uncle Porsch tried to say something again. Uncle Arm suddenly broke in and said, 

‘Well, didn't you say you have something to do in the company? You can go back first. I'll have a good chat with Ping.’

Uncle Porsch was rushed off the stage before he could make himself up and go on the stage. Leaving Ping and Uncle Arm being the mainstay to finish the play.

Uncle Arm ate the schwarzwald cake happily and greeted Ping, 

‘Ping, it’s delicious. Would you like to eat?’

Ping shook his head and said, ‘You eat. I just had lunch.’

Uncle Arm really buried himself in eating the cake. Ping was stunned. He had always thought that his por should be serious and solemn. After all, he was a strong man who had been successful in business. How could he dig the cake with a small spoon?

‘By the way, how did Meen treat you?’ Uncle Arm stopped digging the cake and asked.

Ping, ‘Well, very nice.’

Uncle Arm, ‘He didn't be cold and indifferent to you, did he?’

Ping thought about it, occasionally, especially when he had a book in his hand, but he still had to say, 


Uncle Arm, ‘That's good. I've been worried that his strange personality will stop him from finding a girlfriend/boyfriend. Fortunately, you can stand his temper.’

Ping had to reply politely, ‘No, he has a good temper.’

Uncle Arm seemed to be disagreed. 

‘Don't be polite to me, I know my own son. I haven't had much time to take care of him. I can understand why he complains about me. But I've been making up for and flattering him for years. He still couldn’t be close to me. I haven't seen such a demanding child.’

Ping hasn’t seen such a father who would dislike his child. He was speechless and has to laugh all the time.

Uncle Arm put down his fork, ‘Actually, I'm going to talk to you about MIT when I chase the child's dad away. I'm afraid his father's coffin face would be too serious as to frighten you.’

Ping thought to himself that you were frivolous enough to frighten me.

Uncle Arm went on to say, ‘When Meen took the college entrance examination, I tried to let him study business management, so as to inherit our business, but he refused. Something happened to him in the college entrance examination, and his grades were not very good. I thought he would change his major. Who could know that he would rather change his first choice of school than change his major? We were unable to change his mind, so had to let him go. Now he said he didn’t want to go to the United States, we couldn’t persuade him. We thought it a pity that he had given up such a good opportunity since he liked this way. It took me a long time to know your relationship from him. I just wanted you to help me persuade him.

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