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The book borrowed from the library by Ping was returned back after being turned about two pages. Because everyone was waiting in line to borrow them during the exam period, and he has always been a good guy for others. Of course, another main reason was that he could not understand...

He was chatting with his roommate after returning the book. Suddenly, the phone rang and he looked at the name of the caller. It was Net, who could appear everywhere. He has been calling him every day recently to remind him to take graduation photos with him on Friday.

'Hello,' he was really peevish.

'I see. I'll be there on Friday.'

'Ha-ha, I'm afraid you may forget, will you buy me flowers?'

'No.' Why should I buy flowers which would be expensive? At that time, there would be a group of girls competing to send flowers to him. Should he worry about the flowers, with such a charming face?

'Why? Why don't you give me flowers when I graduate?' Net's voice came over coquettishly.

'I have no money.'

'I'll give it to you.'

'No.' Crazy, better to donate the redundant money to Project Area86 Hope.

'Ping...' He wanted to act like a spoiled child again.

'If you argue again, I won't go.' Ping threatened him.

'Well, call me when you get on the bus tomorrow.'

'Tomorrow?' he did not respond for a moment.

'I know that you forgot. Tomorrow is Friday. You said you had remember.' Net complained

'I know that you never take my affairs seriously. How can I suffer so much?'

'Well, I'll call you tomorrow. Bye-bye.' he couldn't be blamed too much. As a senior, who would care what day tomorrow is?

'Ping, who's that? Shouldn't it be Net again?' James attempted to asked casually.

'Errr' Ping responded coldly.

'What time shall we take the bus tomorrow?' It seems that James failed to notice his indifference and asked excitedly.

'Anyway, as long as it's not too early.'

'How about 8:30?'

'Who told you it's not early at 8:30?' Ping rolled his eyes, the beauty sleep should be ensured even to see his loving brother.

'Nine o'clock?' James, who act a bit slowly thought that it would be thankful for Ping to have another 30 minutes of sleep.

'Ten o'clock.' Ping took out the newly borrowed books from his bag, with each one trembled to make sure that nothing had been clipped.

'Ten o'clock? Wouldn't it be too late?'

'No, but if you think it's too late, you can go first.' Ping finished taking out the books and put them on the table.

'All right.' James dared not say more. Although Ping had a good temper, he would not change his mind as long as he has made a decision.

It's night, the moon is like a hook.

The moon was visible in Ping's bed. He pillowed his arm and looked out of the window at the moon. He calmly endured the ups and downs of James, who was sleeping on the upper berth. Oh, it's not good to sleep in the lower berth. The upper berth turns over and the lower berth shakes the ground. Originally, Ping wanted to say something to him. Later, he forgot it. Every boy is full of affection, every maid has affection, too. Net is too charming to be neglected. He just survived that way in those years. Forget it, the past can't be recalled. Oh! He just forgot to ask him if he had a new girlfriend recently, if so, he might be able to do some mental preparation for James first, so as not to break his heart as soon as he arrived there.


Sorry for late update, i just finished my final sem in diploma....wish me pass the exam to continue my degree.😭🤙

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