''I think i do like them'' Subspace X Non!Binary reader

Start from the beginning

Y/N would look over at subspace almost chuckling "Was that you?" hearing that made subspace scoff and look away flustered a bit "No. why the fuck would it be?" Y/N would chuckle realizing how far Subspace would go to defend his massive ego "Well...I'm guessing you don't want me to make you some food?" They'd comment in a snarky manner already knowing that he was hungry, Subspace would groan knowing he couldn't defend his ego this time "Fine. I want some food so make some for me." He'd push Y/N off before sitting up "Fine Fine. lemme guess an eyeball sandwich?" They'd ask looking over at subspace with a snarky grin plastered on their face "No. Just a regular sandwich Please." Subspace would squint his eye at Y/N wanting to attack them.

Y/N finally walked over to the kitchen getting out two bread slices making subspace a sandwich while he was sitting on their couch impatiently waiting, Y/N would decide to make him two sandwiches just to clear a bit of the tension taking a small while to prepare them Subspace would grow too impatient and walk over to Y/N before almost bumping into Y/N and knocking them down "What took you so long?! i could have asked biograft to make me a sandwich and they wouldn't have taken as long as you!" Now looking down at Y/N he'd notice them holding two sandwiches and roll his eye "You seriously had to make yourself one?! couldn't you do that later!" Y/N would ignore the disrespect subspace was throwing at them "I made both sandwiches for you!" They'd yell out to silence Subspace who now looked awkwardly to the side letting out a small "Oh...Thank you" Before grabbing the two sandwiches and heading back to the couch followed by Y/N.

Sitting down Subspace would take his mask off to start eating Y/N would notice the scientist's razor sharp teeth and be intrigued "Interesting teeth you have there" They'd comment which got them a Glare from Subspace "No! No! i mean it" They'd sheepishly add on which made subspace more calm, He'd sigh "Thank you. i would comment on your sandwich if i had any taste left" Y/N couldn't help but feel slightly bad for Subspace even if he had been nothing but rude to them.

Y/N would give Subspace a soft smile "Well you still look pretty!" their tone was genuine like a friend comforting another friend who was upset "I know. Wish i could say the same for you" Subspace would comment before taking the last bite of the sandwich the room would fill with awkward silence as Subspace was chewing, Swallowing the last bite he couldn't help but comment "Well.. you do look good but not as good as me" He chuckled before taking a bite of the 2nd sandwich.

Y/N would find it funny how the now egotistical Subspace was now getting slightly more softer towards them, Subspace getting slightly annoyed by Y/N continously staring at them would comment on it "Look. I know i look amazing but you don't have to constantly stare at me!" He'd take another bite of the sandwich after, Y/N turning on the TV would start to flip through the channel before seeing that (F/S) was playing.

Y/N enjoying that they were still able to catch their (F/S) playing wouldn't notice subspace also watching seemingly enjoying it, Subspace finally taking the last bite of the second sandwich would look over at Y/N who he didn't wanna admit he was starting to like them Y/N would look back at "You alright subspace?" They asked curiously which got them an annoyed "Ofcourse." from Subspace "Want me to change the channel?" Y/N asked which got them a surprising "No." from Subspace "Wait....Do you like this show too?" Y/N asked excitedly which annoyed Subspace but he was too tired at this point "Yes i do. Now shut up."


As the two kept watching the show commenting on what characters they liked and what they didn't like the episode had seemingly ended, Y/N would have the bright idea to put a movie on "So hear me out subspace we watch a movie!" They'd excitedly announce which made Subspace shrug "What genre though?" He asked "What about...Comedy?" They'd tilt their head at subspace which got them a quick "No." from subspace "Romance movie?" They'd ask getting another "No." "What about..." They'd get cut off this time by subspace "What about a horror movie" He'd ask which made Y/N go silent before shrugging "Sounds good!" Putting on netphlix, They'd scroll through the options before finding a horror movie they both agreed on.

As the movie started to play Y/N would look slightly over at subspace who seemed to be distracted by the movie, Subspace seemed to be fully enjoying the movie but Y/N on the other hand seemed to be more nervous as the first scare popped up it made Y/N flinch and accidentally fall over on Subspace, Their head gently landing on the scientist's lap quickly sitting back up, They'd expect subspace to leave "Wow. Didn't know you were in love with me Y/N" He commented looking over at Y/N with a snarky smirk which was shown by his eye "I am not! i just flinched!" Y/N would look away slightly annoyed but also flustered.

Subspace would chuckle looking over at the now flustered Y/N before putting an arm around them again "Don't worry, Your knight in shining armour is here to protect you!" He was obviously making fun of Y/N but he wasn't expecting Y/N to lean on him but before he could push them off, the movie was reaching it's first kill which distracted Subspace.

Slowly getting comfortable Y/N would continue to watch the movie flinching a bit here and there waiting for Subspace to push them off which never happened due to subspace also getting comfortable.


As the movie reached it's ending Subspace would look down at Y/N who was fast asleep by now "God now i can't leave..." He silently mumbled to himself before picking up the sleeping Y/N slowly stretching his legs while having Y/N in his arms walking around a bit in confusion since he was never shown around the house but he didn't want to leave Y/N sleeping on the couch, For some reason he just couldn't finally finding the stairs he'd try to be as quiet as he could walking up looking down at the sleeping Y/N again, He was confused on why he didn't want to leave them on the couch questioning himself "Do i like them?..." he mumbled "Ofcourse not. They're just some annoying ass phighter who had some decent skill." He would try to convince himself that he didn't soften up to Y/N.

Finally reaching the top of the stairs he'd open some of the doors closing them behind him when he noticed it wasn't a bed room, He continued to do so until he reached the end of the hallway where he did find Y/N's bed room he placed Y/N on their bed tucking them in as he sneaked out of the room and down the stairs, Finally reaching the door he's stop right infront of it as the same feeling loomed over him, Clutching his fist he locked the front door deciding that he couldn't just leave Y/N alone in an unlocked house Subspace walked over to the living room grabbing the two plates that was for the sandwiches Y/N made him before making his way to the kitchen.

Placing the two plates down carefully as he would shut off all the lights behind him before making his way back up the stairs and to Y/N's room gently tucking himself beside Y/N who would hug him in their sleep not wanting to wake them up he let them hug him, before laying down staring up at the ceiling thinking to himself

"I think i do like them."

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