Chapter 6🎊

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The next morning we all go up, got ready and waited in the lounge for Dave and Roxy to tell us our new activity, but all I could think about was Yaz and our kiss last night. We didn't really speak since then, and I was worried that it made things awkward between us. I thought about it so much that I completely forgot about the video Brooklyn showed me on her phone.

The air was tense from the day before. Everyone was kinda just tired from the chaos and needed a break. "Wait where are Dave and Roxy?" I said. " The babysitters took off early and left this" Kenji scoffed handing me a note. "Gone to see our boss, stay inside until we return. If anything happens you can reach us at channel 6." I read from the note, when all of a sudden the door swung open and in came Brooklyn furiously "Brooklyn, what's new on the internet superstar." Said yaz " I wouldn't know, because when I went to get my phone from its charger IT WASNT THERE! Someone stole my phone!" She said yelling " uh- I haven't seen it." Said Sammy. "Hey since we aren't doing anything let's all look for it." Darius suggested " I think I know exactly where it is. Right, Sammy" she said pointing at her. As she said so everything came back to me, and I remembered everything me and Brooklyn saw that night. " Yeah Sammy where do u think it is? Or should we just check your bags" I said sarcastically. "What is your deal? Sammy said she didn't take it. You do not get to go through anyone's stuff." She said looking at the both of us.

"ROARRRR" we heard in the distance,which slightly startled us. "What was that,a T-Rex?" asked Kenji. "doubt it," I said " T-Rex's don't sound like that." "Maybe they're moving a new Dino, we should go to the observation tower to check it out."Darius said "Wow what a great idea Darius, let's go." Sammy said practically pushing Darius towards the elevator. We all followed behind so that we could stretch our legs, and see the Dino.

We climbed to the top of the stairs as we heard loud ominous footsteps. Although Yaz was mad at me for accusing Sammy,she still held my arm for safety. As the footsteps got closer, we saw two men running for their lives from a Weird looking dinosaur, when we all watched them get eaten. "What is that!" Shouted yaz. " Dr wu's lab,there was a dinosaur, an-"" Indominous Rex." Sammy cut off Brooklyn. " I don't think it can see us from up here." I said, but slowly the Dino turned and looked right at us. It started attacking the tower we were on so we all decided to use the zip line to escape, but midway the emergency brakes came on and we All fell from the line to the ground.

When we all regained consciousness we couldn't remember which way the tower was so we decided to just run back to camp, but when we got there everything was destroyed. " GIVE ME MY PHONE!" shouted Brooklyn "I don't know what you're talking about." Sammy replied. Brooklyn began yelling at Sammy while Yasmina was trying to defend her and I was defending Brooklyn. Me and yaz ended up in a heated argument with eachother when in the mist of it she yelled "I hate you so much! I wish I had never even come to this stupid camp and met you!" and with that my heart broke. I thought that our kiss meant something but I guess not. All I could do was look her in the eyes and walk away. " wait I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that." She tried to apologize. But I could only reply " Whatever" as I continued to walk away.

I walked around for a minute trying not to take what she said to heart because I knew deep down that she didn't mean it, when I looked up and saw the monorail going by. "THE MONORAIL!" I said shouting to the others. "What?" Asked Kenji confused. "We can take the monorail to the main entrance of the park." I said laying out my plan. "That could actually work." Agreed Darius, so we followed the tracks until we were near the monorail entrance.

After a while of walking "Y/n." Yaz came up, grabbed my arm and led me away from the group so our conversation was private. "What yaz?" I said coldly. "listen I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it . I was just mad at Brooklyn and I was mad that you took her side over mine,because......I really like you ." All I could do was stare at her. I was happy, scared and still a little mad , all at the same time. But I couldn't say a word. I just leaned in and kissed her. Holding her in my arms, all my cares in the world slipped away ,but our cute moment quickly turned into another run for our lives as we heard the dinosaur approaching,so we ran into one of the monorail carts, and the door luckily closed before the Dino was able to get to us.

We all started to celebrate our victory in escaping the Dino when I heard something fall on the floor. When we all turned around to see what it was we saw Brooklyn's broken phone ,which had just fallen out of Sammy's pocket.

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