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Hailee's View

Y/n's been in a really bad mood lately and I don't know why. She just wakes up grouchy and acts like that the whole day.

"Y/n." I say walking over to her.

"What?" Y/n asks.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

Y/n sighs and nods.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes, I'm fucking fine!" Y/n shouts.

"I just wanna do this show and get it over with." Y/n mumbles walking away.

Time Skip

"2 more shows everybody!" Ethan says

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"2 more shows everybody!" Ethan says.

Everyone claps and Y/n rubs her eyes.

"Hey, Y/n. Am I still fired after this tour?" Ethan asks.

Y/n flipped him off and everyone laughs.

"Get a nap, be up at 11." Ethan says handing Y/n a room key.

"Woo, 5 hours of sleep." Y/n mumbles.

She sighs and I follow her to elevator.

"I really want you to talk to me so I can help you, Y/n." I say as she presses the button.

"Maybe I don't want your help." Y/n mumbles.

"Don't say that." I say.

"What's going on, baby?" I ask.

"Don't wanna talk about it." Y/n says as the elevator doors open.

Y/n walks out and trips. She falls in the floor and I widen my eyes.

"Are you okay?" I ask walking out.

Y/n starts to snore and I sigh.

"Y/n." I say.

She doesn't say anything and I groan. I grab her legs and drag her down the hall.

Time Skip

"Y/n, you gotta get up." I say.

Y/n lifts her hand up and flips me off.

"Y/n." I say.

Y/n groans loudly and rolls out of bed. She lands on the floor and she starts to snore.

"Y/n!" I say.

She groans and gets up.

"I got you a coffee." I say.

Y/n takes the cup from me and starts to gulp it down.

"Got anymore?" Y/n asks crushing the cup.

"" I say.

Y/n yawns loudly and goes into the bathroom.

Maybe sleep is her entire issue. But how am I supposed to help her? She sleeps whenever she can but it's clearly not enough.

Time Skip

"I'm so tired." Y/n says.

Y/n lays on the couch and puts her head on my lap.

"Is that why you're so grouchy?" I ask, running my fingers through her hair.

"Well, sorta kinda." Y/n says.

"Baby, you can tell me." I say.

Y/n stares at me and I sigh.

"Well, tell me how to help you." I say.

"I don't think you can." Y/n says getting up.

I hate seeing her like this. I don't know why she can't just tell me.

3 hours later...

"Hey, Ethan." I say.

"Yes?" Ethan asks.

"Do you know what's wrong with Y/n?" I ask.

"Nope and I'll probably never know." Ethan says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"She just like to keep things to herself. Been managing her since she was 18, I pretty much watched her grow up. Has never once opened to me." Ethan says.

"So what do I do? I hate seeing her like this." I say.

"Nothing you can do. Unless she has a complete meltdown, you'll just never know." Ethan says.

"Why is she like that?" I ask.

"Only reason I can think of is her relationship with her parents. She always opened up to them and gave them her all but they gave nothing back in return. So she keeps it bottled up." Ethan says.

"She does have a journal but don't go through it. Made that mistake once and she slapped the shit me and cussed me the fuck out." Ethan says.

"I mean the chances of her doing that to me is pretty low, right?" I ask.

"Right?" I ask as he stares at me.

Time Skip

I unzip Y/n's bag and look for the journal. I take the journal out and flip to the most recent page.

I hear the hotel room door beep and I quickly put the journal in the back of my shirt.

"H-Hey." I say as Y/n comes in.

"Can I have a hug?" Y/n asks.

"Uh..." I say.

Y/n hugs me tightly and I widen my eyes. Y/n puts her hand under my shirt and pulls the journal out.

"You went through my stuff?!" Y/n asks.

"Y/n-" I say.

"I told you I didn't wanna talk about it so you invaded my privacy?!" Y/n asks.

"Yes, because I'm worried about you! I don't like seeing you like this!" I say.

"How do you expect our relationship to work in the future if you can barely open up to me now?" I ask.

"I didn't..." She says.

"You didn't what?" I ask.

Y/n doesn't say anything and I stare at her.

"You didn't see a future, did you?" I ask.

She sighs and I shake my head.

"What do you think I'm in this relationship for, Y/n? You think I wanna date you for 5 years and then break up?" I ask.

"Hailee-" She says.

"If there's no future, there's no point. I'm glad tonight was our last show together. I never want to speak to you again." I say.

"Hailee-" She says as I walk out.

My Number One // Hailee Steinfeld  ✓Where stories live. Discover now