"Takes my mind off things." He muttered.

"Take my arm you two." He held out his arms like he were riding a motorcycle.

I took his right one and Harry took his left. I felt like been pulled through a tube and then pulled back out. I opened my eyes to see a rather big house surrounded by a hedge. The storm above made the place look old, abandoned and downright scary.

"You are probably wondering why I brought you here?" Dumbledore said. Then a confused look came upon his face. He was staring at something. I looked over at the house and realised that the door had been banged down. "Wands out."

I pulled out my beautiful pale blue Cherry Holly wood, Phoenix feather core wand. We stalked forward and entered the house. Things where everywhere, lamps were turned over on their side, so was the couch, glass was scattered and shattered everywhere. It looked like a mess. There were claw marks on the wall. Paintings and photographs where sideways and broken.

"Horas? Horas?" Dumbledore whispered yelled.

Harry looked down at something then looked up. Dumbledore walked over to him and whipped his finger over Harry's forehead then stick in his mouth. I cringed. Ewwwwww. I walked over to what Harry had been looking at above. A grate was up there and there was blood?! A lot of blood. Dripping down to the floor below.

I looked up and Dumbledore had his wand raised at a couch. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. I stood beside Harry as Dumbledore leant in zapped the couch with a shot of electricity, a small one.

"Merlins beard!" A head shot out of the top of the couch. I jumped back in surprise, Harry putting an arm around my waist. The couch/man stood up and the seat became a dressing gown. The arms of the chair separated and became hands. "No need to disfigure me Albus."

"Well I must say you make a very convincing armchair." Dumbledore commented.

"Well I come by the stuffing naturally. What gave me away?" Now that the atmosphere had turned friendly Harry let go of me.

I stepped forward. "Dragons Blood." Dumbledore said.

"Oh." The man looked past Dumbledore to me and Harry.

"Oh, yes introductions. Lily and Harry I'd like you to meet an old friend of mine. Horas Slughorn, used to teach Potions at Hogwarts." Dumbledore said to us. He turned to Slughorn. "Horas, you know who these people are."

"Oh yes. The famous twins. Harry and Lily Potter."

"So what's with the disguise, you weren't waiting for someone else were you?" Dumbledore questioned.

"I have absolutely no clue about what your talking about." He glanced at me. Straight in the eye. I cocked an eyebrow and he faulted. "I alright. The Death Eaters have been trying to recruit me for over a year. Do you know what that's like! I can only say no so many times, that I only stay in one place more than a week. The muffles who own this place are in the Canary Islands."

He spilt out, while all the time, entranced by my eyes. I looked away and he blinked a couple of times. Duke slope was smiling at me proudly. "Well done Lily. Your powers are improving." I smiled up at him. He turned back to Slughorn. "I think that we should tidy it up for them."

Dumbledore held his wand in front of him and dragged it out in a line. The room started moving. The objects flew around everywhere. Harry and I hugged each other and ducked as objects flew towards us. The chandelier in the middle of the room put itself back to go there and created light. Books flew back onto the shelf, pictures straightened and the couch stood back up, the other one. Knives and forks came flying at us, along with records and other assorted things.

"Well that was fun." Dumbledore said after a while. "Mind if I use the loo?"

"Yeah sure." Slughorn gestured to the door that led to the hall we had just come down. "Don't think I don't know what your doing. The answer is still no. Absolutely, unquizzically no!" We gave him confused looks and he smiled at us. "You two are very like your father. Except you have your mother's eyes."

"Yeah." I breathed. Harry glanced at me then slowly looked back to Slughorn.

"Your mother was a very bright witch. Especially since she was muffle born. She was my absolute favourite." He exclaimed. "Look there she is. Right at the front."

He pointed over to a dresser and I glanced over. A collection of photographs and frames were on the mantelpiece. I looked through them and indeed found mum at the front.

"They're all my students." Harry picked up a phot. I leaned in a guy who looked a lot like Sirius sat in the front. "Argh yes Regulus Black. His older brother Sirius died a few weeks ago." I looked away and Harry nodded.

Slughorn caught the tension and decided to talk about something else, even though he was probably completely confused.

"Horas!" Dumbledore yelled from down the hall. He enters the room and Harry guided me over to him. "Do you mind if I take this? I do like knitting patterns."

Slughorn nodded. "Yeah of course, but your not leaving already are you?"

"Oh yes, I must get the twins back. I only sorry that your not coming back to Hogwarts. You really are one of a kind. The best potions teach that Hogwarts has ever seen. Goodbye." With that. Dumbledore nodded his head and we excited the house.

Harry Potters Twin Sister(No. 4)Where stories live. Discover now