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Chapter 81

Chapter 81

Su Sichuan put away his mobile phone, which showed Song Shi’s circle of friends.

He had just watched it for ten minutes.

Su Si Chuan stood up.

He came to the detention center today to see three people.

"He doesn't want to see you," the policeman said to Su Sichuan.

Suschuan was not surprised.

So it was Su's father who came out to see him.

Su's father drank alcohol and gambled, and his body was exhausted a long time ago. He always looked depressed, but his spirit was still high, so he seemed to be somewhat popular.

Now all that's left is an empty frame.

Looks like a walking corpse.

Seeing Su Sichuan, Su's father's eyes suddenly lit up, his dry face burst into life, and his whole body seemed to be on fire.

A sense of reflection.

He rushed in front of Su Sichuan, and before he could make a move, a prison guard twisted his arm and controlled him in the next second.

"I'm a fool... I'm an ignorant white-eyed wolf... My conscience was eaten by a dog..."

He came up with a series of curse words.

The prison guard couldn't stand listening any more and hit him on the knee.

How could Father Su's body withstand such an attack? He closed his mouth the next second and almost fell to his knees.

After the Dongchuang Incident.

He and Su's mother immediately packed up their luggage and ran away.

They couldn't leave the country and had no money to go abroad, so they found a remote rural area.

The two of them hugged each other to comfort themselves, and nothing would happen.

They had checked a lot of information. This retroactive statute of limitations has long expired. Even if they really broke the law, Suschuan would not be able to catch them.

As a result, just a few days ago, he and Su's mother went out to do odd jobs -

this was probably the most diligent period of their lives.

Opening the door, Su Sichuan was standing outside.

Su's father immediately changed his expression and wanted to close the door, but Su Sichuan easily resisted.

Father Su's depleted body has little strength.

He was horrified and tried to run back.

Su Sichuan looked into his eyes and spoke: "I've been thinking about it for a long time."

Su's father blurted out: "What?"

"How do I want to torture you."

Su's father's expression changed.

Although his reason clearly told him that he was no longer a match for Su Si Chuan.

Their relationship is no longer what it used to be, and Su Sichuan is no longer under his control.

But the inertia of his mind and the instinct of his body made him couldn't help but stare angrily: "Who do you think you are talking to..." Before he could

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